The Part Where Old Secrets are Divulged - Krishna

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18 - The Part Where Old Secrets are Divulged - Krishna

Disclaimer - This is a Mahabharata Fan fiction mostly based on facts we see in Star Mahabharata. The Mahabharata in its entirety holds a lot of facts and is a complicated and marvellous creation, but this is just a fan fiction. There are several facts which were not included/ not correct in Star Mahabharata but I am specifically basing my fan fiction on the serial with some changes. So there will be several anomalies. This story is just meant as an entertainment and there is no intention to hurt anyone's feelings, religious or otherwise. I have just borrowed the characters to weave a storyline.

A/N - As per the demands of the storyline, now most POV will either be Krishna's or Arjun's.

Krishna did not remember the last time he had been so royally reprimanded and had been so flustered; it is usually the other way round. But at Hastinapur, the unthinkable was happening and it was led by none other than Samrat Yudhistira.

"Of course, he is okay." Yudhistira was pacing around the room, his eyes squinted and his lips pinched. "He stays in a trace for close to 2 Prahars and still maintains that he is okay. Ridiculous."

"I am actually quite alight, Jyestha," Krishna used his, not inconsiderable, charm and cajoled. "Arjun needed me."

"Alight?" Yudhistira frowned.

Krishna paused for a moment, thought back and grinned. "Alight...No... Alright. Side effect." He grinned unrepentantly. Minor aphasia occurred when the energy core was overused.

"Vasudev!" Yudhistira groaned in frustration and glared at Krishna.

The Dwarakadhish looked over at the other Pandavas in search of some support, but found them laughing away at his plight; especially Bhrata Bheem and Nakul. Only Sahadeva looked somewhat compassionate.

"The herb infusion is almost done, Jyestha," the youngest Pandava spoke up. "Bhrata Krishna would be perfectly fine."

Yudhistira nodded at Sahadeva but continued to glower at Krishna. "I know that I am not Brother Balaram, but do I not hold any rights over your wellbeing?"

Yudhistira had stuck on the throbbing nerve and Krishna winced. He had not meant to disregard the concerns of the Eldest Pandava.

"Of course you do, Jyestha. I apologise; I diid not seek to demean your concerns."

Krishna's eyes softened as the eldest Pandava reached out to cup his face. "I will repeat; your regard is no less dear to me than my Phalgun's. Just.... Just take care, okay?"

Krishna reached out to clasp Yudhistira's forearm; a warrior's hold. "I will be fine, Jyestha. We will be fine; both of us. Trust me."

The lord had not meant to, but a wisp of power enveloped his words and the slightest glow refracted around the room; Yudhistira's expression did not change, only his eyes widened the slightest bit.

"It is the only thing which is holding us, Vasudeva."

Sahadeva had brought over a foul concoction which Krishna had to drink under the force of Yudhistira's glares and the man did not move until Krishna had handed back the empty vessel.

"It is particularly nasty," he muttered in a matter of fact manner causing Nakul and Sahadeva to chuckle. "And it was really not necessary."

Yudhistira scowled again. "One bed-ridden prince is enough for now." He jerked his head to where Arjun lay.

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