The part where a journey is undertaken - Yudhistira

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This is a Mahabharata Fanfiction mostly based on facts we see in Star Mahabharat. The Mahabharat in its entirety holds a lot of facts and is a complicated and marvelous creation, but this is just a fanfiction. There are several facts which were not included/ not correct in Star Mahabharat but I am specifically basing my fanfiction on the serial with some changes. So there will be several anomalies. This story is just meant as an entertainment and there is no intention to hurt anyone's feelings, religious or otherwise. I have just borrowed the characters to weave a storyline.

As always it may take some time to come up with the next chapter due to health reasons. Kindly bear with me as I really intend to take this story to a conclusion. Thank you all for the kind comments and I will always welcome comments and suggestions. You all are truly great readers and encouragers. Thank you and regards.

I am time and again overwhelmed by all the positive comments and encouragement. It means a lot. Thank you all.

15. Yudhistira.

Despite the heavy canopy of trees in the forest, the sun still beat mercilessly upon the warriors seated on horseback. The orange and white pair of angavastra swayed elegantly in the gentle breeze. Following the two royal members were only two guards who were also abreast their horses.  The first pair of horses carrying their riders were starkly different in appearance, one pure black and one blinding white, but there was great visual beauty even in this disparity.

"Why did you bring Rajkumar Arjun's horse, Samrat?" The question was asked by Anga Raj Karna, clad in bright orange robes and matching angavastra. When included with his normal radiance, the son of Adhiratha looked resplendent. 

But doesn't he feel the heat? Was Yudhistira's wary thought.

Yudhistira was clad in his usual white robes, having been manhandled into changing into a fresh one before leaving the palace. Mata Kunti had insisted and had directed Bheem to ensure he did. Bheem had carried out Mata's orders perfectly and the brothers had shared a moment of much needed respite, when the Vayu putra had chased the Samrat around his chambers trying to pull at his dhoti. The squabble had ended in a stalemate and Bheemsen had to be satisfied with choosing his Bhrata's robes.

The temporary mirth had all but disappeared  when they had paid a final visit to Arjun's room before their departure. The archer was burning with fever, still coughing blood and Yudhistira had placed a kiss of blessing and affection on Arjun's forehead.

"You will be ok, my dearest brother and we will not rest before you are. Keep fighting, my Phalgun."  Yudhistira had pricked his hand with his knife and had anointed Arjun with a drop of his blood, praying with what power he possessed and what strength he had, that his brother may keep receiving whatever energy Yudhistira was capable of giving.

"Samrat Yudhistira?"

Shaken out of his thoughts, Yudhistira glanced at his companion. "Yes, Angaraj?"

Karna looked a trifle irritated. "I just wanted to know why you have chosen to ride Prince Arjun's horse," he repeated.

Yudhistira automatically went to reply but hesitated, "How did you know that this is Arjun's horse?" Yudhistira was curious to know.

"It is pretty simple. All his horses are adorned with ornaments engraved with markings of Dwaraka. They are very easy to identify."

Yudhistira was taken by surprise at Anga Raj's observation. He was right; Arjun's horses, at least his favorite four, were all adorned with beautiful ornaments painted with peacock feather motifs, the symbol of Dwaraka.

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