Not a Chapter - Update 2

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I am suffering from a severe writer block.

So today I just came here and started writing. No editing, no thoughts, nothing. 

It has been days since I have suffering not just from writer's block but also from depression. To the extent that, with the exception of my work (job) I am losing my interests. However, with all my belief in Krishna and myself, I know that things will be okay and that I will bounce back. 

This update is to re assure you all that I will update again and try to do it as soon as possible. This story has my heart and I will do my level best and beyond to bring it to a completion. 

However, due to my unending writer's block here, I will be venturing with a small project or two in a few different fandoms (ICT, HP, LOTR, NCIS etc). However, this story will have precedence.

The other stories will just be small character/situation reactions and nothing with any long story line as I do not want my attention too diverted. If any of you are interested you can check the stories out if I do manage to write any, that is.

Thank you all so much. I will try to update ASAP. Thank you. 

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