The part where the toughest fight is fought - Krishna

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The part where the toughest fight is fought - Krishna

Krishna stood at the doorway of Arjun's chambers, his gaze taking in the diminutive figure of his Bua Kunti. The last few days had wrung the spirit out of the first born child of Shurasena.

But where Pritha was faltering, Rajmata Kunti of Hastinapur, the adoptive daughter of Kuntibhoja, still held strong.

"Why is he not regaining consciousness, Krishna?" The shaken voice made its worries known and a frail hand came up to wrap itself around Krishna's wrist. "The wounds have healed. Sahadeva said that the wounds have healed."

Krishna trailed a glance at the silhouetted form of Arjun, the curtains around his bed ensuring some privacy as the twins changed him into fresh attire. Maharishi Ved Vyas's remedy had been effective but it had pulled them through the grinder; every last one of them.

Arjun's pain filled cries and their inability to counter it; it had wreaked havoc on their psyche.

Even Gangaputra Bhishma had lost his battle with the anguish and his tears had only added to the oppressive atmosphere. Krishna, Arjun's psyche morphing with his own, had been hard-pressed to keep himself removed from his friend's distress.

For a moment he had delved into Arjun's mind mire but the sight of his friend seizing up and trembling with agony had almost made him use his aura to try and provide some comfort; Maharishi Ved Vyas had stopped him at the right moment.

"You cannot!" The Maharishi had reminded. "You take away his pain now and there remains a chance that the wound may not heal!"

The Lord of the Universe had been held back, had been forced to watch his friend suffer physically and mentally till the already unconscious Prince had simply dropped off due to sheer exhaustion. Only then had the Maharishi permitted some herbed water to be given to the Prince.

In his delirium and his subconscious state, Arjun had caught hold of Sahadeva's wrist in a death grip, when the youngest Pandava had tried to take away the empty bowl. Tears of joy and pain had overlapped, and Sahadeva had not tried the slightest bit to get away from the hold.

"Parth!" Krishna's soft call and his hand over Arjun's head had made the archer drop his brother's hand and though his wrist was bruised, Sahadeva caressed it lovingly.

"He.. He moved, Bhrata Nakul. He held my hand. He is regaining his strength."

Yes. His Parth was regaining his strength. After being dragged through hell, finally his body was recovering. But his mind...?

"Krishna?" Rajmata Kunti prompted and the Yadhavashrestha pulled himself out of his musings. He felt his bua's roughened hand cup his face and for a moment, even the Palanhar luxuriated in the motherly touch.

"He will be alright, Bua." Krishna cradled the Rajmata's hands in his own. "Arjun's mental state is fragile and it will take some time for him to recover completely."

"But he will be alright?"

Krishna paused for a moment, thought back and nodded. "He will be. Eventually."

"And you will help him?"

Krishna was slightly taken aback at the question and his mind stumbled the slightest bit. "I will?"


The dark skinned lord settled his mind firmly in the present and tried to settle his capricious thoughts. "I will, Bua. Of course, I will. Do you really need to raise that question?"

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