The Part Where Things take a turn (For Better or Worse) - Krishna

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18 - The Part Where Things take a turn (For Better or Worse) - Krishna

This is a Mahabharata Fan fiction mostly based on facts we see in Star Mahabharata. The Mahabharata in its entirety holds a lot of facts and is a complicated and marvellous creation, but this is just a fan fiction. There are several facts which were not included/ not correct in Star Mahabharata but I am specifically basing my fan fiction on the serial with some changes. So there will be several anomalies. This story is just meant as an entertainment and there is no intention to hurt anyone's feelings, religious or otherwise. I have just borrowed the characters to weave a storyline.

"Krishna! Wait! Why are you running?"

Krishna stopped and glared back his friend, who was still a good way away from him. A glare which soon turned into a smile as he took in Arjun's flushed face and laboured breathing.

"You are falling behind, my friend! What would Guru Drona say if he were to see you now?" Krishna teased unabashedly, though he did wait for Arjun to catch up.

"Falling behind! Falling behind?" Arjun's voice was barely audible behind the whistling gasps he took in. "I am lying unconscious somewhere, Krishna, battling with death every moment! Give me a break, please!"

Krishna narrowed his eyes and scoffed. "Stop being so dramatic, Parth! You are perfectly all right!"

Arjun looked so taken aback at these words that Krishna burst out into laughter. The Dwarakadhish had had enough of the black clouds of despair and knew that it was time to take the bull by its proverbial horns and for that to happen, he needed Arjun to believe; to rouse the latent energy which he knew his friend possessed.

"What happened to you so suddenly?" Arjun asked.

"Suddenly? Not really! It was long overdue."

Krishna again started to stride away, his limbs looping around the small bushes and rocks that lay as part of the landscape.

"Keep up, Arjun." He prompted in between moments of silence and received a glare every single time for his efforts.

"Why will you not slow down?" Arjun was truly struggling to keep up and Krishna reduced his pace only slightly.

"Because you can keep up with me, at this pace." Krishna replied after a moment. "And very easily too."

Arjun increased his speed just the slightest bit, overtook Krishna and stood in front of him, forcing the man to pause in mid-step.

"What?" Krishna quirked his eyebrows and cocked his head at his friend.

"Where is the rush, Madhav?"

His eyes belying his disbelief, Krishna, very pointedly, looked over Arjun, taking his time to map out the bruises, wounds and cuts. "You really believe that we have time?" He counter questioned, making Arjun blush.

"Well, I am sure that we don't need to run! In fact, I don't think that I can run. I am very tired, Madhav!"

For a moment, Krishna's gaze softened slightly as he met Arjun's frustrated look. It was not often that he had needed to explain his doings to this Pandava Prince. He just did his thing and Arjun tagged along. He was always able to keep up with Krishna but the Dark Lord needed to remember that the circumstances at this moment were slightly different.

"But you cannot fall weak..." Krishna murmured in an undertone.

"Did you say something, Madhav?" Arjun was still looking at Krishna with puzzlement coating his expressions and his words.

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