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   My heart pounds as I hear the pitter patter of the rain. My chest heaves up and down as my feet keep hitting the cold pavement. Just don't stop running. Don't stop.
   After I felt safe I climbed over a white fence into someone's backyard. I curl up I'm the corner trying to catch my breath. I close my eyes wanting nothing more than to sleep, and that's what I got.
   "Uhm.. Hello?" I wake up to a man's voice.
   I sit up and rub my eyes. I look and see people around me.
   "Do you know where you are?" Another speaks.
   I shake my head as my eyes flicker between each of them.
   "Do you remember how you got here?" He asks.
   "I-I was running f-from the b-bad man," I reply shakily.
   "Bad man?" Another asks.
   "H-He took me when I was 6. I was j-just now able to l-leave," I reply.
   "Let's get you inside," one says helping me up.
   I immediately fall. My legs feel like jello from all the running. The tallest of them all picks me up and carries me to the couch where he gently sets me down.
   "Thank y-you," I say.
   "Whats your name?" Someone asks.
   "I...I don't know.." I admit.
   "That's okay. I'm Toby. This is John, Jaren, Eric, Mason, and Cameron," Toby says pointing to each of them.
   "What name appeals to you? So we can call you that," John suggests.
   "Wren?" I ask.
   "That sounds beautiful, it suits you," says Toby
   I smile back shyly.
   "Are you hungry Wren?" Jaren asks.
   "Maybe a little," I admit.
   "While they order food, I'll take you upstairs and we'll steal one of Cam's hoodies so you can shower," Toby says.
   I nod and follow Toby upstairs. He shows me the different soaps and how to use each one. He even sets the shower to the perfect temperature.
   "I'll be in the room connected. If you need any, just holler," Toby smiles.
   "Thank you," I smile back.
   He closes the door and I step in. It feels amazing. It's been awhile since I've had a warm shower. I watch the dirty water trickle off my body and onto the shower floor. I then grab the respected soaps and wash my hair and body.
   "I'm done," I say stepping out and wrapping myself in a towel.
   He comes in and turns the shower off for me. He hands me a hoodie and a pair of underwear. He then leaves me to change. I put on the clothing. The hoodie goes down to mid thigh. This hoodie is the most comfortable thing I've worn in my life.
   "Foods here," Toby comes in with a warm smile, "you look beautiful."
    Toby grabs my hand and leads me downstairs. He sets me down at the head of the table. Jaren comes in and places a plate of fries, nuggets and pizza in front of me. All the others come with food on their plates and sit down. They all eat while I just stare at mine.
   "What's wrong?" Cam asks.
   "Just processing," I reply.
   "Whatcha processing?" Eric asks.
   "The fact that I'm about to eat something other than bologna and bread for the first time in 13 years," I say.
   "It's really good, you'll love it," Mason smiles.
   "Just take your time darling," Eric says.
   I pick up a fry first and eat it. It was good. I begin to hungrily eat the rest of the food on my plate. I guess I didn't realize how hungry I was. I sit back and patiently wait for the others to finish.
   "Do you want some more, hun?" Cameron asks.
   "P-please," I say shyly.
   "What do you want more of?" Eric asks.
   "Uhm.. nuggets please," I say.
   Eric happily gets up and grabs my plate. He get me more nuggets.
   "There you go my dear," he smiles setting the plate in front of me.
   "Thank you," I smile.
   "You're very welcome darling," he smiles.
   I smile back at him. I happily eat the rest of my food.
   "Sweetheart, do you kind sitting here while the rest of us go to another room to talk?" Eric asks.
   "I don't mind," I reply.
   The boys get up and head to another room. I collected the dishes off the table and bring them into the kitchen. I clean them up as well as the ones inside the sink while I wait for them. I was drying one off when it slipped out of my hands and onto the floor with a crash. I quickly bend down picking up glass with tears in my eyes. As I put a piece of glass in my hand, it cuts me. The boys come running in.
   "What did you darling?" Cameron asked.
   "I..I..I.." I tried to speak but nothing came out.
   I broke down into tears and slowly started to back away from them.
   "I'm so sorry," I repeat again and again.
   Toby picks up the glass carefully as Cameron and John try to approach me.
   "Wren. We aren't mad at you. Come here, I just want to look at your hand," Cameron says calmly.
   I just kept backing away, fearing for my life.
   John the grabs me by the cheeks with one hand and makes me look at him.
   "Sit on the counter, now" he demands.
   I let out a small whimper. I try hopping onto the counter to sit like I was told, but I couldn't. Cameron lifts me up and sets me down gently.
   "Now, let me see your hand," Cameron says.
   I very slowly put out my very shaky arm. My entire body is trembling. He gently takes the back of my hand in his and looks at the cut. He gently cleans it and wraps it.
   "See? All better," Cameron smiles.
   I hug him tightly, still shaking.
   "I-Im sorry.." I say.
   "It's okay. Just know, you are safe here," he says hugging back and stroking my hair.
   "Are you okay now dear? Eric asks.
   I nod my head and wipe my tears.
   "Wren we wanted to ask you a question," Jaren says.
   I look in all of their general directions.
   "If you would like to, we'd love to have you stay in our guest room," Toby says.
   "R-Really..?" I ask.
   "We're so serious about this. So, what do you say?" John asks.
   "I don't want to be too much of a bother, " I say.
   "You won't, we promise. Pleeease," Mason begs like a child.
   I smile widely and nod my head.
   "Only for now, til I figure out what's going on more," I say.
   The boys cheer in unison and they all hug me tightly.

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