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   We finally arrive at a cafe. I look between all the boys confused. They just smile. We all sit down at a cluster of a tables.
   "What're we doing?" I ask.
   "Waiting," Cameron says.
   "On?" I push.
   "Something," Eric says.
   "Macy, tell me what's going on, I don't like not knowing," I beg.
   "I'd love to but if I did the boys would fucking kill me," he says.
   "Toby?" I look at him with hopeful eyes.
   "Sorry Ves, I'm not the one who'll tell," he says.
   I groan and put my head on the table. I hate waiting and not knowing.
   One of the boys plays with with my hair. I just sigh.
   "Someone's grumpy," Chad said.
   I lift my head up.
   "Chad? Max?" I question.
   "Yes silly. Come on, we gotta go to the next location," Max smiles.
   I look at all of the boys, they all have stupid smiles on their faces. I groan.
   "Why can't you just tell me?" I whine.
   "It's a secret," Mason says lifting me up.
   They begin to walk and I'm just slouched over Masons shoulder. I let out a big sigh. Jaren and Eric walk behind Mason so they can try and entertain me.
   "Come on Ves, I miss your cute smile," Eric complains.
   "I just wanna fuckin know," I huff.
   "I know. We're sorry," Jaren says while Eric hands me a little cigarette.
   "Woah, Ves, when did you start smoking?" Max asks.
   "Today," I say.
   "Ya know, you should quit," Cameron chimes.
   "I'm good," I say taking a long drag.
   Mason and Eric just laugh.
   "Are we there yet?" I ask.
   "Almost, you just stay on Masons shoulder looking cute," Jaren says.
   I say and just let my body become limp as I stare at the ground.
   Eric and Jaren burst out laughing.
   "Whats so fun- oh. Is she okay?" Cameron asks.
   "Yeah just tired of using core strength to look at Eric and Jaren," I say.
   Cameron chuckles as we enter a building. Mason sets me down. I look around.
   "Jumpy things!" I squeal.
   "You mean trampolines," John chuckles.
   I look down at my skirt. Toby smiles and hands me spandex. I go to the bathroom and put them under my skirt. I rejoin the guys.
   "Was this worth not knowing?" Chad asks.
   "Yeah, can I go jump now?" I ask.
   John tosses me special socks to put on. I put them on and put my shoes and socks in a cubby.
   "Bye!" I yell as I take off to a cluster of trampolines.
   "Hey! Wait!" Cameron calls out.
   But I was too far gone. I climb in and jump from trampoline to trampoline. I'm having so much fun. After a few minutes the boys finally join me.
   "There you are!" Mason says.
   "Can't catch me!" I said jumping like a maniac.
    "Vesper! Come here real quick then we'll all chase you," Cameron beckons me.
   I bounce over and bounce in place.
   "We rented the entire park, so it's only us, you can go wherever you want," Cameron smiles.
   "I get a 10 second head start!" I exclaim as I run to a jungle gym.
   "We're coming!" Mason yells.
   I scream and jump to a rope above a big inflatable crash pad. I climb all the way to the top. To the bar that held it. I climb onto the bar and just sit.
   "Can't get me," I taunt.
   John begins climbing the rope. Once he gets to the top I jump to the crash pad below screaming the entire way. John jumps back down too. I climb the rope again.
   "Ugh, I can't do that again, " John says.
   "Ves come down, we're on timeout. The ropes off limits now," Eric calls.
   I climb all the way too the top and jump down again, this time laughing. I crawl of the bag over to the boys. They help me up.
   "Alright, 5 second head start, go!" Chad says.
   I run to the trampolines we were originally on, there's so many I can dodge them easy. I jump.around like a mad man.
   "Jeez Ves, how to you have so much energy," Cameron says.
   I just giggle. The boys climb in and try chasing me. After what felt like forever I get wrapped in a bear hug by Max.
   "I got her!" He exclaims.
   We spent the rest of the day jumping and they film it for some reason. Max and Chad go back to the hotel with us. I plop onto my donut plush.
   "Oh Ves," Max says.
   "Yeah?" I ask.
   "Guess what we're doing," He says while holding some bottles.
   "They said I couldn't," I gasp.
   He shrugs and hands me a bottle of straight liquor.
   "Wanna race? First to half way wins 20 bucks," he asks.
   "What about the boys," I ask.
   "They're drinking in the other room, why can't you," he says.
   "Good point, ready, set, go!" I say.
   Max and I begin chugging, Max stops every now and then to cringe.
   "Made it halfway!" Max cheers.
   I pull back my bottle and Max takes it.
   "Jesus Ves. You better hope you don't get alcohol poisoning, you definitely beat me," he says handing me mouthwash, "now wash your mouth so they don't smell it."
   I nod and go to the bathroom. I wash my mouth out 3 times. I go to the other room with the boys. Max brought my donut plush over for me, so I sit in it.
   "Hey doll," Eric smiles.
   I smile at him and wave.
   After 10 minutes it really starts to hit me.
   "Hey gorgeous, come here," Mason says.
   I look at Max and he looks at me and laughs. I get up and stumble to Mason.
   "Are you okay?" Mason asks.
   "Yeah, just lost balance," I smile.
   He pulls me on his lap. A few minutes later someone puts on music.
   "I love this song! Macyyyy dance with meee," I giggle.
   He exchanges looks with Cameron but gets up with me.
   "Everyone! Come dance!" I say.
   They shrug and we all dance. I turn around so my backs to Mason and grind on him. Mason looks shocked. He wraps his hands around my stomach and pulls me close.
   "You're fuckin drunk. How do you manage to get drunk every time without us knowing?" He asks.
   "You guys are just oblivious. I don't try to hide. You guys could've easily checked up on me and caught me," I giggle.
   I steal Eric's drink and drink. Eric just shakes his head and smiles. I go back to grinding on Mason. My eyes meet briefly with Cameron's, he looks pissed
   "What Cammy? Want me to dance on you like this?" I ask and he shakes his head.
   "I do!" Eric says.
   I place a kiss on Masons cheek and go to Eric, grinding on him.
   "Yes bitch! Get it!" Toby exclaims.
   Eric places his hand on my hips. I turn around and kiss him on the lips while wrapping my arms around his neck. He grabs the back of my neck to deepen the kiss. After that, I don't remember a thing.

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