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When I woke up I see Matt still next to me but awake. He looks over at me and smiles.

"Good afternoon," he says.

"Hi," I smile.

"Feeling better?" he asks.

I nod my head. I yawn, stretch and rub my eyes. Matt reaches over and brushes some hair out of my face.

"How did you sleep?" I ask.

"Really well. I fell asleep shortly after you," he smiles.

"Where'd you sleep?" I ask.

"Right here, with you. I was worries about leaving you alone so I stayed. I hope that was okay," he says.

"It was. Has any of the boys said anything?" I ask.

"Cameron came but I answered and he changed his mind. John and Jaren just came to check on you," he says.

"How am I supposed to confront Cameron about this? Do I tell the boys first?" I panic.

"I'd talk to the boys first if I were you see if they have an opinion on the matter and then go from there. Regardless, confront Cameron," he says.

"Will you help me tell the boys?" I ask.

"Absolutely. Now would be the time to. Cameron just left," He says.

"Probably to meet up with that girl from last night," i say as my bottom lip quivers.

Matt frowns but stands up. He holds his hand out for me. I take it as a few tears fall. We walk out to the living room together. Surprisingly all of the guys but Cameron are there. They all turn to face us with a smile but they notice my face and their expressions change to worry.

'What's the matter darling?" John asks.

"Uhm.. C-Cameron ch-cheated on me," I say as I begin to cry.

"He did what now?" I hear Eric burst out.

"Vessie.." I hear Jaren say before engulfing me in a big hug.

"How'd you find out?" Mason asks.

"She was going to the bathroom and saw him against the wall making out with a girl and he pulled away and made eye contact with her," Matt says.

There was nothing but silence. Jaren held me tightly and rubbed my back. I hear some silent chatter and then everything ceased when we hear the door open. We all freeze and look in that direction. Sure enough it was Cameron. After he closes the door he notices us all staring at him. He sighs and hangs his head low and walks towards his room.

"Hold the fuck up, where do you think you're going?" Mason asks.

"Yeah. You cheat on Ves but don't have the balls to own up," Eric questions.

"It was against my will," Cameron defends.

"Really? against your fucking will? You were bending down to have your lips meet and had your arms around her. You are so much stronger than she is, you could've easily fucking pushed her away, fucking cunt," I huff.

"So, what do you have to say to that?" Jaren asks.

"I was drunk. I barely remember it. Ves danced with other guys before," Cameron says trying to shift the blame.

"So? It's just dancing," John defends.

At this point I'm a mess. Eric scoops me up and cradles me in his arms while heading back to the couch to sit. Cameron sighs.

"Ves, I'm sorry," Cameron says.

I nod my head and with that he walks upstairs. Now all the attention is turned towards me. The all keep apologizing and say soothing things to me to help calm me down.

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