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   "Wren, wake up," Jaren says gently pulling the covers off me.
   "Nooo. 5 more hours," I groan.
   "But we're leaving to go to the carnival," Jaren says.
   "Go without me. Jus wanna sleep," I say with a yawn.
   "Awh sweet girl," Jaren says picking me up.
   "My warm bed," I cry.
   Jaren carries me with my suitcase behind him. He climbs I to the car with me and someone takes my suitcase. Jaren keeps me on his lap and covers me with a blanket, I fall back asleep.
   "Alright Wren, you have to wake up now. You have to walk through security by yourself," Mason says as the car is parked.
   I rub my eyes and stumble out of the car. I go to the the back and grab my suitcase.
   "Awh Wren, why are you frowning?" Eric asks.
   "I'm tired," I whine.
   "You can sleep on the plane," Cameron says.
   "Plane? I've never been on one," I say.
   "It's okay, you'll have us," Eric smiles.
   "Alright. Let's get moving," Toby says.
   I drag my suitcase and follow behind. We go through security and make it to the boarding lounge. I plop down into a seat. The guys follow and sit.
   "Aren't you excited to be going to a carnival?" Cameron asks.
   I nod my head.
   "Then why are you so down dear?" John asks.
   "Just tired," I say with a yawn.
   "You'll have time to rest up when we get to the hotel. We'll let you," Toby says.
   I nod my head and yawn. Jaren sighs and pats my head.
   "Boarding time!" Mason says.
   We all get up and follow. I'm seated in between Mason and Jaren. The plane begins to take off. I squeeze my eyes shut and clench my fist.
   "Poor Wren," Jaren says taking my hand in his.
   Mason does the same.
   "It'll be over soon princess," Mason says.
   Once we reach the proper altitude I finally am able to relax. I still gold onto Masons and Jarens hands.
   "Better?" Jaren asks.
   I nod my head.
   "Do you want to listen to music?" Mason asks.
   "Yes please," I say.
   He places the headphones on my head and plays music. I eventually fall asleep.
   "Wren, we've landed!" Jaren says.
   I open my eyes and take off the headphones.
   "Finally. I need to stretch,"I say.
   Jaren grabs my bag from the overhead storage and we walk off the plane and into the building. Toby went and got the rental car. We all put our bags in the back and climb in. Toby begins to drove off to the hotel.
   When we get there Cameron checks us in and hands out the key cards. Each room has 2 queen beds.
   "Toby, John, Jaren and Eric in one room. Me, Mason and Wren in the other room, Wren you get a whole bed to yourself," Cameron says.
   We all head up to our rooms and unpack. After unpacking we all met in mine, Cameron's and Masons room.
   "So, who's gunna stay here with Wren when we go out and get fucked up?" Eric asks.
   "Why can't I come?" I ask.
   "Cuz there will be alcohol and you're not 21," Cameron says.
   "Can I please go? I won't have any alcohol," I beg.
   "Absolutely not," John says.
   My bottom lip trembles and my eyes water.
   "Please," my voices breaks.
   "Fine. But no alcohol, no one buy her alcohol," Toby gives in.
   I do a little happy dance. I go into the closet and pull out a short black dress thay hugs my curves perfectly. I go into the bathroom and put it on. I look and the mirror and decide I look amazing. I come out and put on black heals.
   "How do I look?" I ask.
   "Too good, you need a hoodie and leggings on," Jaren says.
   "Too bad, I'm wearing this," I smile.
   We all leave the room and Uber to a club. Once we get in we all sit at a booth. Eric goes and orders a bunch of shots. He brings them back to the table and sits down. Everybody grabs one, even me. I wanted to join in on the fun, good thing they didn't notice. We all down our shots. All the boys get up to go dance, I stay at they booth.
   "Hello pretty lady, can I get you a drink?" A man asks.
   "Absolutely," I say.
   "What would you like?" He asks.
   "Something strong, what's your name handsome?" I ask.
   "Ethan, and you?" He asks.
   "Wren," I smile.
   "We'll Wren, I'm going to get your drink," he gets up and leaves.
   I smile and sit back. I scan the room and I don't see the boys. I just shrug. He finally comes back with my drink.
   "Thank you," I say immediately downing the drink.
   "Wow, would you like another?" Ethan asks.
   "If you don't mind," I smile rubbing his arm.
   "I really don't mind baby," he says getting up and getting me another.
   Stupid guy. I'm just using him to get drinks since my friends won't get me any. He comes back with two.
   "Both for me?" I ask.
   "Of course,"he smiles.
   "Thank you darling," I smile drinking one completely.
   "You are something," he chuckles.
   "Is that bad?" I ask.
   "Absolutely not, it makes you more intriguing," he says placing his hand on mine.
   I give him a shy smile and drink half of the other drink. I hold my head as everything feels different. I drink the rest.
   "I'm sorry, I have to go to the bathroom, " I say.
   He let's me up and sits back down. I wander off to find my friends. After some time I find Mason.
   "Heyyyy Macyyy," I giggle, stumbling to him.
   "Wren.. are you..?" He asks.
   "Whaaat? Nooo," I giggle.
   "Oi, let's go find the others," Mason says grabbing my hear.
   I follow behind him, stumbling. We find the rest of the guys at the bar.
   "Hey Cammy!" I giggle.
   "Hey Wren. Alright. Who bought Wren drinks?" Cameron asks.
   The guys look between each other and shake their heads.
   "Some random guy did. He was soooo sweet," I smile placing my arm around Mason.
   "Macy, heyyy!" I giggle.
   "I'll order and Uber, " Toby says pulling out his phone.
   "Why? I'm having a blast!" I say, "I'm gunna go dance."
   I stumble away into the crowd before one of them could grab me. I just dance my cares away. I feel a pair of hands wrap around my waist.
   "Ethan! Heyyy," I slur.
   "Why didn't you come back?" He asks.
   "I got lost and eventually gave up," I say, "dance with me!"
   I turn around and wrap my arms around his neck. We dance for a bit. I feel him pull away.
   "Stay the fuck away from her," Cameron fumed, "Wren, let's go."
   Cameron and Jaren grab my hands and pull me to the exit. We get into the Uber and make our way to the hotel. When we arrive I stumble my way up while Eric holds my heels laughing.
   "Eric, hunny, why are you laughing at me?" I pout.
   "Sorry, you're too cute," he says.
   We all get into one room and the boys sit down. I sit on Cameron's lap.
   "Cammy baby, why so mad?" I asked.
   "You let another guy touch you!" He boomed.
   "Yeah? So?" I ask getting up.
   I get into the mini bar and take a few more shots while the guys pay no attention to me because they're talking amongst their stupid selves.
   "Wren! No! Hunny, no," Eric says taking the empty mini bottles and the one full one.
   "Awhhh, your no fun baby," I pout.
   "Wren, come here," John says.
   "Nooo, I wanna have fun, you guys are gunna be buzzkills," I say.
   "Wren, now," Cameron says.
   "No," I say stumbling out of the hotel room.
   I stumble my way to the elevator and go to the lobby. I walk out and stumble down the sidewalk in a random direction. I walk for what feels like forever.

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