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After their time together in the park, the group decided to assist Evelyn in unpacking her belongings in the evening. Caroline even planned a sleepover with Evelyn, saying, "You don't think I'll leave you alone in a new house in a new town, do you?" Normally, Evelyn would have despised the idea of someone getting so close to her in a single day, but Caroline was so welcoming and kind that she couldn't say no. "With that cute smile of hers, the blonde could get anything she wanted in the world," Evelyn thought. The group dispersed to do their own chores before meeting Evelyn later that evening. Evelyn returned home to her sleeping cat. During the past few years, Loki had been her only companion and true friend. For the first time in decades, she could see herself making genuine new friends among the Mystic Falls gang.

Bonnie and Damon were sceptical of Evelyn. Elena tried to explain that she was a nice person who was just going through a difficult time, so they shouldn't bother her too much. She even vowed to keep the supernatural existence as far away from Evelyn as possible in order to protect her from the demons of Mystic Falls. Damon, on the other hand, had other ideas. He was determined to learn everything he could about her until the end of the day. Helping her organise her new house was just a chance for Damon to look around her things and find what she was hiding.

Evelyn was cleaning her house in the evening when she heard a noise on the front door. Thanks to her supernatural hearing, she was able to hear Elena and Damon argue about how he shouldn't try to interrogate Evelyn and should instead try to be a friend because she is new in town and would need their support to settle in. Caroline hushed them both and rang the doorbell. Evelyn appeared at the door a few moments later to greet them. "Come on in guys, please forgive me for the mess the place is in right now," she said. "Oh no, it's fine. You know we're here to help with that, right?" Caroline said as she walked in. As Damon and Stefan walked in, Loki shot up from the sofa, took a defensive stance in front of Evelyn, and hissed at the men. "It's okay, Loki, they're friends," she said to the cat as she petted him. "He is not fond of strangers, especially men. He prefers to be the only man in my life," Evelyn laughed.

The squad sat down on the freshly cleaned sofa. Matt and Tyler were unable to join because they were required elsewhere. Caroline, the queen of organzing things and stress cleaning, took on the responsibility of assigning tasks to everyone. "So, while you guys unbox the furniture, we girls will take care of the bed rooms, closets, and everything clothing-related," Caroline instructed. They soon began taking items out from boxes in the living room.

"So, Evelyn, why did you name that gremlin Loki?" Damon inquired. Elena gave him a warning glare, to which he replied, "What, I'm just getting to know her." Evelyn assured Elena that everything was fine and responded to Damon, "My ancestors were Vikings, they believed in Norse gods, so did my parents, and so do I. Loki is one of them; he was always regarded as the black sheep, 'the god of mischief and lies,' but I always felt like he was simply misunderstood; when I got 'my little gremlin,' as you said, the name just felt right, you know, since cats are also generally misunderstood as unloving creatures when they are the greatest gift in life." "So you named your cat after a god who gave birth to an eight-legged horse?", Damon asked. "Yeah, that's right," Evelyn laughed.

After all of the boxes were opened, the girls took all of Evelyn's clothes and bedroom supplies upstairs, while the boys opened the decorative items she owned. They didn't have much to do because she had 6 boxes in total. The girls were upstairs preparing the bedroom, while Damon was downstairs looking for evidence that Evelyn wasn't just here for a fresh start, but had a hidden agenda. Loki followed Damon everywhere he went, as if the little cat suspected Damon was looking for dirt on his mom.

While arranging the clothes in closet Bonnie inquired, "So Evelyn, I probably shouldn't ask you this, but I just wanted to know what happened to your parents. It's fine if you don't want to respond; I understand." "No Bonnie, it's ok, I can talk about it," Evelyn replied, knowing Bonnie was just trying to investigate like Damon. " My parents were on a holiday to a cottage you know the one covered with coconut tree leaves and all. I have no idea how the fire got to the cottage during the night, but the leaves caught fire and it just started to spread through the whole cottage; they couldn't survive. I was going to join them the next day, but I just wanted to give them one day off for just the two of them." Evelyn was in tears at the end of her story. When Bonnie shook hands with Evelyn, she saw fire, blood, and darkness, and after Evelyn's revelation, she was nearly convinced that Evelyn was not a bad guy with ulterior motives.

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