The Masquerade

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Evelyn knew that Katherine always had a few tricks up her sleeve and likely wouldn't be easy to kill. Despite this, Evelyn wanted to give her a head start. Deep down, no matter what Katherine had done, Evelyn couldn't help but have a soft spot for her. Katherine was one of the few people who had truly been her friend in the past. Even though they often disagreed and had their fair share of conflicts, Evelyn could never bring herself to wish for Katherine's death. Their bond, complicated as it was, had moments of genuine connection and friendship. She eventually decided that she would keep the plan a secret for now, but if it did come to a point where Katherine would get killed, she would help protect her.

At the ball, the atmosphere was electric, with guests dressed in elegant attire and wearing intricate masks. The group blended in seamlessly, each of them scanning the crowd for any sign of Katherine. Evelyn's eyes were sharp, and her mind was focused on the task at hand. Evelyn caught sight of Katherine across the room, her presence unmistakable. She moved gracefully among the guests, her eyes occasionally flicking toward the group.

When the group was out of sight, Evelyn seized a few moments to talk to Katherine. "What are you planning, Kat? I can see the gears turning in your head," Evelyn asked. "Evelyn, you stay out of this, okay? This has nothing to do with you. Don't you dare side with them. I know Stefan and Damon; they wouldn't just give up the moonstone. They'll put up a fight for sure," Katherine replied, her tone sharp and defensive. "I just want to know why you want that damn moonstone so badly. It has never done you any good," Evelyn pressed. "You and I both know it, Eve. I don't want it for myself. There's only one person who needs it, and if I have it, I'll have leverage," Katherine admitted cryptically. "Are you out of your mind, Katherine? You think you can hold this over him? He will kill you and get the stone if he wants," Evelyn countered. "But you know I can use it to bargain for my life with the noble one," Katherine said, a hint of desperation in her voice.

"Trust me, Kat, this won't end well. If you are the reason he comes to Mystic Falls, I'll make sure you are dead," Evelyn warned, her heart racing as she turned to leave. All she could hope for was that Mystic Falls would be spared from his wrath.

As the night progressed, Evelyn kept her promise to stay out of direct danger, but she watched Katherine closely, ready to alert the group if she made any suspicious moves. The ball was a perfect cover for their operation. After Katherine's little confession, Evelyn wasn't sure if she wanted to help Katherine at all. Evelyn discreetly called Alaric to check on Elena. She was supposed to be home, unaware of what the brothers had planned. Alaric reassured her, mentioning how he had organized a pizza night with Elena and Jenna.

As she moved through the grand hall, she spotted Katherine in a corner, talking to Matt. Evelyn strained to hear and caught Katherine compelling Matt to provoke Tyler into killing him, thereby unlocking Tyler's werewolf side. The pieces of Katherine's plan clicked together in Evelyn's mind. Katherine's dear wolf Mason was dead, and she needed a new one; she was after Tyler.

Soon after, Evelyn joined Jeremy and Bonnie in setting up the trap room for Katherine, despite Bonnie's obvious dismay. Bonnie protested, "I don't want you anywhere near Katherine, Evelyn. It's too dangerous." "I'm doing this for my friends, Bonnie. I promise I'll be careful." In truth, Evelyn had her own reasons. She wanted to see the trap firsthand. If Katherine found herself without a backup plan, Evelyn might just give her a chance to survive. Despite everything, Evelyn had grown to like this known enemy of hers. Katherine's relentless drive for survival resonated with Evelyn on some level, and she found herself unwilling to let her die without a fight.

As they set the weapons, Bonnie brought out her grimoires. "Can you really do all this stuff from the books?" Evelyn asked, her curiosity piqued. Bonnie sighed, her fingers trailing over the ancient pages. "It takes practice. I've worked on some small spells. Spells that only do good. I don't want to know too much. I don't particularly enjoy any of this, in case you haven't noticed." Evelyn nodded, understanding Bonnie's reluctance. The witch's burden was heavy, and her inexperience added to the pressure. Bonnie reiterated how these kinds of things never ended well for witches, but she still wanted to help. She didn't want anyone getting hurt, and Evelyn could see the genuine concern in her eyes. Evelyn understood her emotions, for she was someone who would do anything for her family. Yet, the only issue she had was with Bonnie acting as if she were performing some grand act of altruism. That only humans had the right to kill for their survival. Evelyn saw through it; Bonnie was doing this as much for herself as for her friends, to avoid the crushing guilt of failing to save them.

As they were heading to inform Stefan that the room was ready, Bonnie suddenly stopped in her tracks. "Do you feel that?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper. Jeremy, standing nearby, looked at her with concern. "What's the matter? Are you cold?" he asked, worry etched on his face. Bonnie shook her head slowly, her eyes scanning the room as if searching for something unseen. She took a few steps forward, her gaze fixed on a woman they had never seen before, moving gracefully through the crowd.

Evelyn decided to leave Bonnie and Jeremy to investigate. She hurried off to find Stefan and relay the news. "The room is ready," she told him when she found him with Damon. Both brothers nodded, their expressions steeling in determination. "It's time," Damon said, his voice low and resolute. Stefan gave a curt nod. "Let's get on with the plan." With everything set in motion, the brothers prepared to confront Katherine, each step bringing them closer to a night that would test their resolve and their bonds.

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