A moment of calm

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Evelyn made sure Elena was alright before she went home, leaving Elena with Stefan. Watching Elena's blood was making her feel a bit uneasy and hungry. Bonnie went after Lucy, asking her to stay. She finally found someone from her family, someone with the same gift as her. But Lucy didn't stay, although she promised to visit again. Jeremy offered Bonnie a ride home, and it seemed like Bonnie was finally seeing Jeremy as someone more than just her best friend's brother.

At the Mansion Caroline explained to Carol what happened to Sarah, but she twisted the truth. "Matt and I were fighting," Caroline began, her voice steady despite the turmoil inside her. "We broke up, you know, and Sarah was drunk and dancing. She just tripped. And then she wasn't breathing." Carol looked at her, processing the information. "Okay," she said finally. "Your mom's on her way, and we called Sarah's parents. It was an accident. It was a terrible, tragic accident." Caroline nodded, her face a mask of sorrow. "Yes, it was a tragic accident." Carol put a comforting hand on Caroline's shoulder. "We'll get through this," she said gently. Caroline gave a small, tight-lipped smile, hoping that the truth would remain buried along with the chaos of the night.

"Elena," Stefan said softly. "I'm okay, I'm okay," Elena reassured him. "Bonnie took away the pain and I think I'm healing." "I know, but I think you should definitely see a doctor anyway," Stefan insisted. "I will," Elena promised. "I heard about Katherine. Is it true? Is she really gone?" "Yeah," Stefan confirmed. "I was so worried about you." He moved towards her, but she pushed him away gently. "Stefan...I..." Elena hesitated. "Katherine being gone doesn't change anything for you, does it?" Stefan asked, his voice tinged with sadness. "I want to be with you, Stefan. You know that. But first, I need to wake up and know that the people I love are safe. I need to feel safe. Do you understand?" Elena explained, her eyes pleading for him to comprehend her struggle. "Yeah. Yeah, I...I understand," Stefan said, his voice softening. Elena looked at him for a moment, then turned and left, leaving Stefan standing alone with his thoughts.

Evelyn reached home to find her companion of the past few days lounging on the sofa. She needed a nice drink and compelled Sonya to cut her wrist and pour her blood into one of her wine glasses. "Thank you, Sonya," she said, handing her some of her own blood to heal the cut. "Go get yourself something to drink as well."

Even though Sonya was compelled to stay with Evelyn, she enjoyed the stay. Evelyn gave her space to be her own person, even though she was just her food. She provided her with all the entertainment, food, clothes and everything. She even let her go out on walks after compelling her to not talk to anyone and return back home. "Can I ask you something?" Sonya ventured. "Hmm, go ahead," Evelyn responded, taking a sip from her glass. "You always talk about getting strong to face someone, but who are you running from?" Sonya asked curiously. Evelyn leaned back, a distant look in her eyes. "Well, I am running from someone who wants to hurt me, but right now, I am hiding from someone who hates me for running in the first place." "So this person doesn't want to hurt you?" Sonya probed. Evelyn's expression darkened slightly. "Well, I am not really sure. But I hope he won't. The person that I left back then wouldn't hurt me for sure, but I have no idea what he has turned into in all these years." "Sounds like you know this person very well," Sonya remarked, intrigued. "Or rather that person knows me all too well," Evelyn replied with a sigh. "Don't worry your little brain with my mess, Sonya." Sonya nodded, sensing the weight of Evelyn's words. She got up to fix herself a drink, leaving Evelyn to her thoughts. Evelyn gazed into her glass, blood swirling within it, lost in memories of a past that still haunted her.

Katherine woke up in the tomb. The moonstone lay on the floor next to her. She picked it up and stood, attempting to leave, but found herself trapped. Damon arrived, a look of satisfaction on his face. "Hello, Katherine," he greeted. "Where am I?" she demanded, her eyes narrowing. "Where you should have been all along. I thought you'd have learned your lesson by now, messing with a Bennett witch," Damon replied. "You should have killed me," Katherine hissed. "Death would have been too kind," Damon said, moving to close the tomb door. "No, Damon, don't. Damon, don't," Katherine pleaded, her voice tinged with desperation. "You need me, Elena's in danger." "From who?" Damon asked, his skepticism clear. Katherine remained silent. "You're lying, you're always lying," Damon accused. "Why do you think I haven't killed her? Because she's the doppelgänger. She needs to be protected," Katherine insisted. "Then I'll protect her, while you rot in hell," Damon retorted, his voice cold as he closed the door. "No, Damon, don't! I'll do anything, please. Damon! You need me! Damon! You need me! You need me!" Katherine's cries echoed as the door shut firmly. She pounded on the door, her fists hitting it with desperate force. But nothing happened.

Evelyn knew what Damon had planned for Katherine. She decided to visit Katherine when Damon was finally gone. She moved close to the door but didn't open it. "Kat," Evelyn called softly. "Eve, please tell me you are here to take me out," Katherine's voice was filled with desperation. "I am sorry, Kat, but I really can't. I need them all on my side," Evelyn replied, her tone firm yet regretful. "You know what's gonna happen to Elena. Soon the news will spread that the doppelgänger is here, and then the ritual will come sooner or later," Katherine warned. "I am sure Stefan and Damon are capable enough of saving her, Kat. And since when do you care about anyone but yourself?" Evelyn asked, a hint of disbelief in her voice. "I care about me. That's exactly why I need you to keep her safe. Every other vampire will be after her, just to present her like a gift in return for their freedom," Katherine explained urgently. "Just like you are," Evelyn noted. "Yes, I agree. But if someone else gets to her first, I will lose my chance at survival," Katherine admitted. "I'll see what I can do. Also, don't let anyone know, but I have some suspicions about the ritual. I think it's not what we make of it. Kat, you are safe here for now. Please don't do something dumb. I really don't want to see you dead after all these years," Evelyn said, her voice softening with genuine concern. "You and I, Eve, we won't be dying anytime soon," Katherine said, a faint smile in her voice. "Let's hope for that," Evelyn responded. She lingered for a moment longer, feeling the weight of their shared past and uncertain future, before turning to leave Katherine to her thoughts.

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