Founder's Day

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The next morning, Evelyn woke up to Loki jumping on her bed. "Hey buddy, Hello good morning. I have to attend Founder's Day today. You'll be fine with me going out for the entire day, right?" she scratched behind his ear. Evelyn had no problem being in the middle of a sea of humans because she was skilled at controlling her hunger. But the thought of being in such a large crowd for the parade and the evening event made her nervous today. "It's just because the place and people are new," she thought.

Evelyn prepared for the parade. She was wearing a red button-up top with dark blue jeans and red kitten heels. Her hair was braided on the side. She stood up to leave the house, putting on her non-vervain 'vervain bracelet' and retrieving her phone and purse. Elena was also leaving her house when she came outside. Elena looked stunning in her period gown with beautiful embroidery. "Oh, Elena. You look incredible. When Stefan sees you, he'll pass out," Evelyn said smiling. "You look amazing too, Evelyn; if you had been here a month ago, I would have got to see you in a gown on the Miss Mystic float," Elena responded. Both girls quickly joined the town at the main square. The moment Elena walked in, Evelyn noticed Damon and Stefan staring at her. The brothers' obsession with doppelgangers always fascinated her. "What stupid men these are," she thought. She left Elena to find Caroline.

Caroline was taking pictures with Matt when she found her. Caroline was ordering him around for the perfect pose while he had a cast on his hand. "Hello, guys. Caroline, you look stunning. See, I told you yesterday that this dress was made just for you," Evelyn complimented. "Thank you so much, Evee. Come here, I want a picture with you," Caroline said. Bonnie took a picture of them. "I want one with Bonnie now," Caroline said as they finished the picture. "Here, I can take it.", Tyler said. Evelyn gave him a friendly smile. "I'll be on the float." Matt said goodbye and walked away. Evelyn was puzzled; she had no idea what had occurred. "I said I was sorry!", Tyler said to Caroline. "You made out with his mother and then you beat him to a pulp. You're gonna have to do a little bit better than sorry.", Caroline retorted. "Ooh this is spicy", Evelyn thought, she was always up for drama. But Caroline left, and she had no choice but to follow her.

Evelyn went ahead and stood in the crowd to cheer on her friends in the parade. Mrs Lockwood announced, "Let's give a big hand to the Mystic Fall's high school Marching Band". The parade of the marching band and cheerleaders began, and everyone began applauding. "And for a little local history, Mr. Saltzman's students have recreated Virginia's Battle of Willow Creek." The history department's float arrived on the street. Jeremy and Tyler were on it, waving to the audience and pretending to shoot at each other. Evelyn supported the boys. "Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome our stunning Miss Mystic Falls Court and their handsome escorts." Elena, Stefan, Caroline, and Matt, as well as the rest of the Mystic Falls Court and their escorts, were on the float and waved to the crowd. Evelyn clapped for Caroline and waved at her and Elena. She wanted to be her support system for the day. Caroline looked stunning as Miss Mystic Falls in her yellow gown.

Just as Evelyn had her attention fixed on Caroline she heard a conversation behind her. It was Damon and Bonnie. "I wanna say something to you.", Damon started. "Just leave me alone!", Bonnie replied frustrated at him. "Thank you. The device that Emily spelled could have killed me. I don't take what you did lightly so...thank you.", Damon said gratefully. Evelyn was confused. "What device was he talking about, If it could kill him it certainly would weaken her too", she thought. "I did it for Elena." Bonnie said making Evelyn roll her eyes. Evelyn disliked how everyone's life seemed to revolve around Elena all the time. "I know that, but I'm still very grateful. And. I owe you.", Damon said and soon left Bonnie alone. When Evelyn turned to face Bonnie, she noticed a flash of guilt on her face, which Bonnie quickly concealed when she noticed Evelyn looking at her. "Well, the witch is definitely hiding something," Evelyn muttered to herself as she smiled at Bonnie.

Evelyn returned home to rest and prepare for the evening show at Mystic Falls Town Square. The Mayor was going to give a speech to the people. She had a constant nagging feeling that something was wrong. One thing she had learned over the centuries she had lived on Earth was to always trust her instincts. Even though the town square was only a few minutes away from her house, she decided to bring her car in case something went wrong and she needed to flee.

Evelyn met Elena and Stefan, and they talked about how amazing the float in the morning was. She seemed to be on edge the entire time she was there. Using her heightened senses, she was constantly trying to hear everything that was going on around her. She tuned out everything else when she heard Damon's voice. He was conversing with Anna, Jeremy's girlfriend.

"You're still around?" asked Damon. "There's something you need to know. The vampires from the tomb are planning an attack tonight.", Anna replied concerned. "How do you know this?" "I went to them. They think I'm with them but I'm not. They want the Founding Families dead." "When is this supposed to happen?" "When the firework start." Evelyn had known some of the tomb vampires before. She needed a good hiding place because she couldn't risk losing her chance at living in Mystic Falls because of an old acquaintance. Damon's next statement made her ears perk up. "John Gilbert wants to use that invention on them." "Then we can't be here!", Anna said scared. "It doesn't work, it's been deactivated." "Well, then a lot of people are gonna die."

That's when Evelyn realised something was wrong. Damon thanking Bonnie and Bonnie's guilty expression, Bonnie never deactivated the device. Bonnie despised all vampires, so it was easy to figure out. Evelyn needed to take cover quickly. She had no idea what the weapon was or what it did. If the weapon worked, she would be dead or, at the very least, captured.

Evelyn sped up to her car. On the way, she noticed Damon asking Alaric for stakes to kill tomb vampires. She saw Damon warning Elena and Stefan to escape. Fireworks went off just as Evelyn was about to walk to her car, and soon all she could hear was a constant ringing. She knelt down, clutching her head. She crawled to her car and got in before anyone could notice her. The pain was becoming unbearable, and she was unable to control her screams. When she looked out the windows, she noticed deputies rounding up fallen vampires and injecting them with vervain. She had to keep her screams quiet or she would have been caught. She took the napkin from the car's dashboard and pressed it between her teeth to muffle her screams.

She saw a car crash into the sidewalk just a few metres away. When she looked out, she saw Tyler, Matt, and Caroline. Tyler was on the ground, and paramedics were examining him. Evelyn knew Tyler went down because of the device; even though he wasn't a vampire, he was still supernatural, and werewolves, like vampires, had enhanced hearing and could hear the ringing. Evelyn saw Caroline fall just as she was trying to control her breathing. It took everything she had not to jump out of the car and help the blonde. Evelyn cared for Caroline. She knew her friends all prioritised Elena over Caroline, so she wanted to be the one who favoured her. But Evelyn couldn't help her this time. She had to sit in the car, in agony, as her friend was carried to the hospital ambulance.

The ringing eventually stopped. The device was switched off. Evelyn could hear vampire screams from the basement as the deputies set fire to the place. She had luck on her side today, so she was able to avoid such a disastrous situation. Evelyn was shaken by the whole thing. She used to be the most powerful being; yes, witches occasionally caused trouble, but she had never been affected by anything done by humans. But today, it was the fault of some insignificant humans that she was in pain. She resolved right then and there that she would exact her revenge of her every scream, sooner or later.

Evelyn returned home after the event. She wished to pay Caroline a visit, but she was in no condition to do so. She parked her car and got out to look in her purse for her keys. When she looked up to check on the Gilberts, she noticed Elena and Damon kissing. "Damn, the girl couldn't wait a day for jumping brothers after what happened," Evelyn thought as she entered the house.

She plopped down on the couch next to Loki and went to sleep immediately

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