Cat's out of the bag

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The next day was Mystic Falls Historical Society Volunteer Day, it was also inauguration of new public park. Evelyn dressed up in a black jenes, yellow tshirt and topped it up with a denim jacket. She had heard the fight between Stefan and Elena in the grill and was excited for new drama to unfold. Evelyn saw Stefan getting out of the Gilbert house in the morning and that was enough proof for her that the fight was a lie.

Evelyn reached the park when Stefan was shaking hands with Mason. She went to talk to Stefan but while walking there Mason walked into her bumping there shoulders, “Careful now, you don’t wanna hurt yourself”, Mason said to her giving her a pointed look, a look that said he knew about her. Evelyn was alarmed, a werewolf knowing about her meant one of her enemies sent him. She calmed herself and went to Stefan. “What was he saying?”, Stefan asked. “Nothing”, Evelyn replied.

Damon popped out just as the two were talking. He asked, “What were you doing?” “Negotiating peace on your behalf.”, Stefan replied annoyed at his brother. “I don't want peace.”, Damon replied making Evelyn roll her eyes at the troublemaker. “Consider it opposite day.”, Stefan said. “Stefan, please tell me you don't seriously think a hand shake just solved our problem. Evelyn come on back me up on this”, Damon said resting his hand on her shoulder. “Yeah, I agree with Damon, the guy seems murderous”, Evelyn said looking at Mason approaching Liz Forbes. “No, actually I think that the first chance Mason Lockwood gets, he's gonna drive a stake through your heart and then through mine, all because you took it upon yourself to try to kill him. So thank you, because we don't have enough problems.”, Stefan sighed.

Mason talked to Liz Forbes about the Vampire brothers. “I know vampires exist and you have two of them living right under your nose.”, Mason said. Sheriff Forbes raised her eyebrow, “Really?” “Yeah.” “Who would they be?” “Damon and Stefan Salvatore and probably Evelyn Barnes.” Sheriff Forbes couldn’t digest the news, the guy she knew very well being a vampire didn’t sit well with her. “That's impossible. I know Damon Salvatore. Do you know what he's done for this town? And Evelyn she is just a kid”, Liz replied. “I know it's a lot to digest.”, Mason tried to convince her. “No. I watched him kill vampires. He's an ally; he's part of the Council.” “Think about it. When did the vampire attacks begin? When Damon and Stefan Salvatore moved to town?” “They walk in the sun, Mason.” “They've evolved. It's not 1864. They figured it out, Liz.” “No. Damon Salvatore is my friend.” “What if I can prove it to you?” Mason was determined to end the Salvatores and Evelyn with them.

Evelyn watched Elena and Stefan acting like they were fighting, if she hadn’t seen them together in the morning she would have believed it. She went to the lemonade stand and took one for her. The moment she drank it she felt the vervain burn her throat but she acted like everything was fine. Being alive for very long in the cruel world Evelyn had built tolerance for vervain, she could drink little amount without it hurting her badly. In older days people would always mix vervain in water to check if there was a vampire among them and her tolerance was the only thing that kept her secret safe. She finished her lemonade and walked away. She tried to calm herself and check if anyone was looking at her. She saw Mason and Liz looking in her direction, talking. She tried to concentrate on what they were discussing. “I told you she is just a kid, an innocent and so are the Salvatores”, Liz told Mason making Evelyn take a breath of relief.

Evelyn sat a bench away from crowd looking at Liz and Mason. She saw Mason approaching the lemonade stand near Damon. Damon talked to him as a little girl offered him lemonade and he drank it. He was spitting it out, coughing the very moment. Evelyn saw Liz watching the whole ordeal from afar.

Evelyn saw Elena sitting alone and went to join her. Caroline joined the two as well. “How are you taking the whole supernatural news Evee, I never got a chance to ask you”, Caroline asked. “I guess I am ok with it, little scary but cool at the same time”, Evelyn smiled. Caroline saw Liz leaving and went to talk to her. Evelyn roamed around for some time but got bored.

Evelyn went home to her dear cat. As she plopped on her sofa her phone started ringing. “What is it Marcus?”, Evelyn asked. “He is coming”, Marcus replied scared, soon she heard a scream. “Marcus, you there”, Evelyn kept waiting for a reply from the other end but the line went dead. She quickly called her other associate Roman but his call went directly to voicemail. “Roman, call me when you get this. Marcus is gone. Stay safe.” She knew the chances that Roman was dead too were pretty high. She called the third man who she trusted the most, fortunately he picked up the call. “Alex hey” “Hello my queen, what made you call me” “He is back. He killed Marcus and Roman. You might be the next target. Stay safe and spread the word. I don’t want any of you dying for the choices I made.”, Evelyn said. “Don’t worry my queen, I’ll take care. And it will always be an honor to die for you”, Alex said and ended the call.

As the call ended, Evelyn slumped back against the cushions of her sofa, her mind swirling with a maelstrom of emotions. Fear, regret, guilt—they all threatened to overwhelm her. She had thought she could leave her past behind, but now it seemed that it had come back to claim its pound of flesh.

Evelyn’s past choices, her mistakes, her decisions were catching up to her. And as the night stretched out before her, dark and uncertain, she knew that the hardest battle was yet to come.

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