Joining the Gang

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The next morning, Evelyn woke up to the sound of Damon and Stefan arguing. "I'll go freshen up," she said, moving away from the brothers. Bonnie and Elena had joined the boys by the time she returned to the room. "Good morning, everyone," Evelyn said. Bonnie seemed to to be there against her will. "So, are we going to erase her memories or tell her everything?" Elena queried Stefan. "Well, don't talk about me as if I'm not here. I don't want to forget everything that happened. Evelyn retorted, "I deserve to know what kind of people or supernaturals I'm living with." "I think we should tell her the truth, she has magical artefacts with her, I'm sure her family knew everything they just didn't get a chance to tell her," Bonnie said, and Evelyn smiled at her. "For the first time, I agree with witchy here: Evelyn deserves to know. And let's not forget how taking away Jeremy's memories turned out last time, we don't want to repeat that do we Elena", Damon said. Evelyn mouthed him a, "Thank you."

"I just don't want her to lose her innocence. She has only recently moved to this town; she does not deserve to be burdened with all of its secrets," Elena stated. Elena's opposition was impacting Evelyn's plans, and she was itching to snap the doppelganger's neck for being a roadblock in her path. "I believe we should allow her to remember. She hasn't reacted badly to the news, and honestly, after witnessing all the chaos yesterday, I am impressed with how she is handling herself," Stefan said. "All right, but her safety is your responsibility," Elena told the boys. "And I am happy to take it," Damon said, his gaze fixed on Evelyn. "Then it's finished. Welcome to the supernatural side of town, Evelyn," Elena said. "Thanks for trusting me guys", Evelyn replied.

"All right, so tell me who's who. Caroline is a vampire, and Bonnie has the ability to create fire. "What else am I missing?" Evelyn inquired, her face beaming. "Calm down, Evee," Damon said as he sat down next to her on the couch. "Stefan and I are vampires, Bonnie is a witch, and the rest of the people are human. Vampires survive by drinking human blood. If a human dies with vampire blood in their body, they become vampire," Damon explained "Don't vampires glow in the sun?" Evelyn inquired, to which Damon groaned. "First and foremost, stop watching Twilight, and no, we don't sparkle; we burn in the sun," Damon answered. "But I see you guys walking around during the day." "It's the magic of this ring," Damon explained as he showed her his daylight ring. "That's cool," she said.

"What can you do, Bonnie, other than hurt people with fire?" Evelyn asked innocently, but with venom in her voice. She despised Bonnie ever since the device incident, and as a fellow vampire, she hated her even more for trying to murder Damon. "I don't go around hurting people Evelyn, Damon deserved it after what Caroline did," Bonnie said coldly. "I'm not sure how Caroline murdering someone is Damon's fault, but whatever you say. I think this much information is enough for me today; I'm going home," Evelyn said, standing up and walking to the door. "Please don't tell anyone about this," Stefan said. "Don't worry," Evelyn said, acting as if she had zipped and locked her lips. Stefan laughed at her antiques.

"Don't you think she's way too okay with everything?" Bonnie asked as Evelyn walked away. "You're only saying that because she chose me over you. It happens witchy because I'm cool and girls like me," Damon replied sarcastically. "Relax guys, she's just a calm person, and she's been hearing these stories her whole life, so maybe that's why she's ok with it," Elena reasoned. Bonnie simply nodded and walked away from the group. Alaric soon joined them.

A black ball of fur leaped on Evelyn as soon as she walked inside her home. "Hey Loki, I missed you as well. I have good news: I am now a member of the Scooby gang. "It's nothing to be proud of, but you know internal damage is more effective when breaking up groups like these," she said to her cat, Loki purring at the sight of his mother's return. Evelyn went ahead and showered. She changed her clothes and went to Mystic Grill.

Evelyn came across Stefan pleading with Bonnie to create Caroline a daylight ring. Just as Bonnie agreed to assist, Evelyn entered. "Hey guys, nice to see you again," she said. "Were you talking about Caroline? I'd like to meet her. "She has technically been through death, and she is the person I am closest to in this town," Evelyn said to Stefan, giving him puppy eyes. "She might attack you Evelyn, she has no control," Bonnie warned. Evelyn desperately wanted to roll her eyes. "I'm sure you guys would help me if she tried anything," Evelyn said to Bonnie, fake smiling. "Fine, you can come," Stefan said, brightening Evelyn's face.

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