Comforting a Killer

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Evelyn called Caroline to find where the scooby gang was. After the little vervain stunt that Liz Forbes pulled she expected everyone to be on edge. “Hey Caroline. I am sorry I went home early yesterday. Where are you?” “Evee, Hey. I know I was supposed to talk with you yesterday but I got caught up. Um, could you please come to the Salvatore house?” “Sure thing”
Evelyn got ready and went to meet Caroline at Salvatore house. As she entered the house Damon threw a snarky comment at her “Well well look who’s decided to visit me. My lovely little fan” “Oh you self obsessed creep I am not here for you. Where’s Caroline” Before she could complete the sentence Evelyn saw Caroline walking towards her. She seemed sad, hurt, broken. “Care, what happened?” “Evee, I …” Caroline couldn’t even complete her sentence without bursting into tears. “Mom hates me, She hates who I have become. I don't want to be this thing, I don’t want to be a Vampire.” “Hey Hey Hey Care, don’t say that. If Not being a vampire means you not being with us then I would rather have a vampire bestie. Now will you please tell me what happened” “Mom, she found out Damon, Stefan and I are vampires. She decided not to kill us eventually but right now she is in the cellar. We are waiting for vervain to drain from her system. But right now she knows that I am a vampire and she hates me. I am sure she would rather have me be dead than be a vampire.”
Evelyn's heart sank as she listened to Caroline's tearful confession.She reached out, enveloping Caroline in a comforting hug, her own eyes misting with empathy.“Oh, Care," Evelyn murmured, her voice laced with sorrow. "I'm so sorry you're going through this. But you're not alone. We're here for you, no matter what. "Caroline sniffled, her tears staining Evelyn's shoulder as she leaned into the embrace. "I just don't know what to do, Evee. My own mother... she hates what I've become." Evelyn gently pulled away, cupping Caroline's face in her hands, her gaze unwavering. "Listen to me, Care. Your mother may need time to come to terms with this, but deep down, she loves you. She's just scared and confused right now." Caroline nodded, though the pain in her eyes was still evident. "But what if she can't accept me? What if she never sees past what I am now?" Evelyn's expression softened, her heart aching for her friend. "Then she doesn't deserve you, Care. You're strong, compassionate, and fiercely loyal. Being a vampire doesn't change any of that."
Before Caroline could respond, Damon's voice cut through the tension, dripping with sarcasm. "Oh, how touching. Are we having a group therapy session now?" Evelyn shot him a glare, her patience wearing thin. "This is serious, Damon. Caroline needs our support, not your snide remarks." Damon raised an eyebrow, his smirk fading slightly. "Fine, fine. No need to get your pantiesin a twist." Ignoring Damon's attitude, Evelyn turned back to Caroline, "We'll get through this together, Care. And no matter what happens, you'll always have a family here. Okay?" Caroline managed a weak smile, her gratitude evident in her watery eyes. "Okay, Evee. Thank you so much."

Some time later Evelyn saw Alaric coming in with books and scrolls. “Oh Alaric finally you are here, took you long enough”, Damon said rolling his eyes. Alaric’s eyes settled on me, “what is she doing here?” “Hi Professor Saltzman, I was just here to help Caroline” She replied. “Don’t worry Ric, She knows stuff”, Damon chimed. Alaric continued on telling them about the Aztec curse as Evelyn sat there listening. “Vampires and werewolves used to roam freely until a shaman put a curse on them to limit their power. Since then, werewolves can only turn on a full moon and vampires are weakened by the sun. According to the legend, the werewolf part of the curse is sealed with the moonstone.”  That’s when her ears perked up. ‘The moonstone’. Apparently Mason Lockwood is convinced he can break the werewolf curse using the moonstone. “Interesting”, Evelyn thought.

But it wasn't just Mason Lockwood's quest for the moonstone that caught Evelyn's attention; it was the realization that someone else might be pulling the strings behind the scenes. Katherine Pierce, the enigmatic vampire who always seemed to have a hand in the chaos that surrounded them.
Evelyn couldn't help but smirk at the thought. Katherine was a master manipulator, a schemer who thrived on chaos and uncertainty. If anyone knew the true power of the moonstone, it would be her. "Mason Lockwood may think he has the answer," Evelyn mused to herself, "but Katherine is always one step ahead. And if she's involved, things are about to get a whole lot more interesting."

After the meeting As Evelyn immersed herself in the preparations for the masquerade ball, she spotted Stefan and Bonnie engaged in earnest discussion, her curiosity piqued. And as she listened in, her suspicions about Katherine's manipulation of Mason were confirmed. Some time later Bonnie came to her. “How do you do it?” “Hm what, I didn't understand Bonnie” “How are you so cool with everything going on? With finding out about vampires and seeing your friend kill someone? How are you ok with Caroline being a Vampire?” “Bonnie, are you really trying to find my reason or are you looking for a reason for yourself?” “Just answer it please Evelyn” “It's simple. I see people for who they are, not what they are. Damon and Stefan haven’t done me any harm or anyone that I know. By your logic I shouldn’t be talking with you either because you did try to harm your own friends. But I understand you were doing what you thought was right. With Caroline, it's simple. She didn't have a choice. She was never asked if she would like to die or be alive forever. She was never told that she would have to kill someone. She just got caught up in the choices that others made. How can you punish her for someone else’s mistakes? Bonnie, think of it from her perspective. She is trying her best. Personally, I'd rather have my friend alive, even if it means they're a vampire who could potentially harm me. Because at least then, they have the chance to choose, to grow, to redeem themselves. I hope you got the answer you were looking for Bonnie”, Evelyn said and left Bonnie with her thoughts.

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