Chapter 1

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A.N: This will be my first story written in only 3rd person, this is only going to be a short story based around Izuku's life and the secrets he uncovers, there will be a lot of fluff too and some slight ships :) This is roughly how I see Izuku's hair.

Izuku Midoriya learned from a very young age that he was not loved, the first memory he ever had of his father was getting a slap to the face, his father had been angry at the three year old boy for dropping his drink on the ground.

Izuku remembers his father grabbing his hair in a harsh grip, he remembers the man forcing his face into the puddle of water on the floor "Drink it you ungrateful brat!" Is what his father screamed at him in anger.

The young boy only cried as he licked the water off of the dirty floor, after cleaning the water like he was told Izuku's father sent him up to his room for the night with no food, although usually the only food he got was scraps anyway.

Izuku's room was not very homey and it was definitely not comfortable, his room was up the stairs at the back of the house far away from his fathers room, the room was blank with no furniture and nothing decorating the walls.

Izuku only had one blanket that had holes in it and it was extremely thin, it was ok for the summer but during winter he would be shivering from the cold and get sick, unfortunately Izuku thought this was normal, surely everyone lives like this right?

He was sure his dad was doing his best while raising the young boy alone, Izuku never knew about his mother because his father would always beat him and lock him in the basement if he asked about the woman.

Izuku did know what his mother looked like though, one day while cleaning the house like his father told him he had to do, Izuku had found a photo, he immediately recognised the man in the picture as his father.

Next to him was a beautiful freckled woman with long green hair, her eyes were a bright emerald green and she had a bright smile on her face, she had on a beautiful white gown while his father wore a suit, Izuku had seen in books and on the T.V about weddings.

He knew the photo was of his parents wedding day and he could see in his mothers hands a small bundle of blankets, peaking out of the bundle was a chubby little face with golden locks of hair fading into green.

The boy smiled when he realized the baby was himself, he was only three but he was much smarter than most kids his age, he hid the photo again and continued to work, Izuku found himself standing in the mirror looking at himself.

He knew he got his bright emerald eye colour from his mother, however his eyes had rings of lighter green on the inside, halso knew his freckles must have been from her because his father didn't have any.

He only wondered why his hair was a bright golden colour, the last couple of centimetre's of his hair were the same green as his mother but the rest was golden, he wondered how that happened because his father had a light brown hair colour.

Izuku pouted but shrugged thinking that maybe his grandparents might have had this colour hair, Izuku's forth birthday was supposed to be a happy and joyful day because it would mean his quirk would soon be coming.

Unfortunately, his father didn't care, he woke the boy up and told him to get on with the housework like any other day, It had been a couple of days since Izuku found the picture of his father with the beautiful woman he knew was his mother.

He had told himself he shouldn't ask his father about it but being young and curious he just couldn't stop himself, he walked to the living room where his father sat watching the T.V with a bottle in his hand.

Izuku didn't like the drink because it smelled bad and his father was always more irritable when he drank it, the boy took a deep breath and spoke softly "Daddy? Why don't i have a mommy? She looked happy in your picture"

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