Chapter 10

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Izuku knew things had been going too well, he had about two months of peace, of course his father hit him a lot, he always told Izuku he was worthless and complained about Izuku's horrid quirk... but all of that was normal for Izuku's everyday life, he didn't mind any of that.

But alas Izuku shouldn't have gotten so comfortable with his new routine of meeting up with his hero, Izuku had been so exited to meet with Yamada again, he woke up like usual and went upstairs leaving the basement door closed.

He made breakfast with the intent to leave it for when his father woke up, what Izuku didn't expect was for his father to already be awake, he was sat watching the T.V with a beer in hand, Izuku had froze completely shocked by the sudden appearance.

He shook it off thinking maybe his father had just woken up early today, maybe he wanted to spend time with Izuku? Even though it was a thing Izuku knew his father would never do he couldn't stop the hope that sparked in his head at the thought.

Izuku smiled and walked over to his father with the breakfast plate in his hand 'this is the first time he has eaten while I'm home' Izuku watched his father take the food and begin to eat, Izuku turned to leave but his fathers voice stopped him "Eat with me son"

Izuku let out a silent gasp spinning on his heal to look at his father, the man gave Izuku a warm smile, Izuku couldn't believe his eyes 'he is smiling at me, did i do something good? Does he want to love me now? Maybe this is him showing me he finally loves me?'

Izuku blinked away the happy tears that threatened to fall nodding his head to his father, he ran into the kitchen to grab his own plate of food 'I have never been alloud to eat the food Ive prepared, i always had scraps and the fruits i ate with my quirk'

Izuku couldn't help but think this was all a dream, either way he walked back into the T.V room and started lowering himself onto the floor "Not there, come here Izuku" his father patted the spot next to him motioning for Izuku to sit.

Izuku blinked in bewilderment and quickly sat next to his father, he had to pinch himself just to make sure non of this was a dream, Izuku hesitantly started to eat the food, It was amazing and he couldn't help but smile as he had a meal with his father.

This is what families did and Izuku had always wanted to share a meal with his father, Izuku was bought back to reality when a hand landed on his head, he flinched at the sudden action turning to meet his fathers cold eyes.

Izuku's heart began to beat faster as he feared he had already ruined whatever it was that had bought on his fathers kindness, he relaxed when his father smiled ruffling Izuku's long hair "I'm sorry I've always been hard on you son" Hizashi started causing Izuku to stare at him with wide eyes.

"The truth is... you're just like your mother, so kind and loving. It was hard to look at you and see her. I knew people would just take advantage of you like they did to her, you don't have a way to protect yourself from people.

your quirk alone would just cause people to bully you, I wanted to make you strong, that's why i have always been so harsh with you, but i love you Izuku, you're my son and i don't want to lose you" Izuku couldn't believe his ears.

His father had finally said he loves him, It had taken years but he had said it 'he loves me, i knew if i did what he said he would love me one day. He was only trying to protect me, i knew a real parent wouldn't hurt their child they always love them'

Izuku's eyes filled with tears as a beaming smile graced his face, he wanted to tell his father that he loved him too.. but before he could his father held Izuku's hand and began to talk again "We are family Izuku, that means we can only trust each other.

You can never trust others, even hero's can be cruel to people with useless quirks like you. Promise me you will be safe ok? You can never let a hero get close to you. Only trust me Izuku, I'm your father and i know what's best for you. Do you understand?"

Izuku was confused by the words his father had just spoke 'Yamada-san is so kind to me though, actually... he doesn't know my quirk, maybe if he did he would hate me like father said' Izuku stayed silent as his father watched him with a look he couldn't place.

He wanted to trust his father, his father finally wanted to love and care for him so maybe this was the right thing to do, maybe he can finally have a good and happy life with his father?

Izuku slowly smiled and gave his father a small nod to let the man know he understood what he was saying, his father gave a big grin that didn't quite reach his eyes, he ruffled Izuku's hair again ignoring the flinch of the child.

"Good, I'm glad you know how much i care about you. I love you a lot son" Izuku smiled wide at his fathers words, the words he had been longing to hear for his entire life "Lets spend the day together, what do you say?" Hisashi asked watching Izuku's eyes go wide in disbelief.

'I was supposed to meet Yamada-san today, but this is the first time father has ever wanted to spend time with me, what should i do? I cant just not show up. Yamada-san will be waiting'

Izuku began to worry about what to do in this situation but again... his father spoke with an exited smile "We can spend some time bonding like a father and son, tomorrow we can even go out for... cake" Izuku became exited and nodded his head.

His father laughed but Izuku shivered in fear, he had only ever heard his father laugh when he was punishing Izuku, the boy shook it off and stood up to get changed, when he got to his basement he quickly wrote a note to Yamada.

He gave Arco the orders to find the man at the beach and give him the note, he used his quirk to make sure the bird would follow his orders correctly, after that he went back upstairs to spend time with his father.

It felt weird to Izuku... even though he had always wanted this, he had waited his whole life to spend time with his father, eating meals together, laughing together, but for some reason it didn't feel right to Izuku, he didn't feel like this was right.

He missed Yamada, he slightly wished he had went to meet the man but he reminded himself why he had skipped their meeting, he knew his father being nice and loving him was a once in a lifetime opportunity.

He continued to remind himself that his mother would want this, he took his mother away so the least he could do is listen and be a good son, If that meant not speaking he would do it, If that meant only trusting his father he would do it..

If that meant he couldn't meet Yamada then he would do it, Izuku spent the day with his father, it was weird when his father ruffled his hair, he had spent so long fearing the man that he could only ever flinch under the mans touch.

When the man laughed it caused Izuku to unconsciously hold his breath, but all of Izuku's discomfort and his thoughts about Yamada meant nothing when his father would tell Izuku he loved him.

Izuku had finally proved he was worthy of his fathers love and that alone made the boy happy, even the next day when Izuku woke up thinking his father would go back to before.

Izuku still couldn't believe when his father had greeted him with a smile, they had went out together for cake, Izuku just couldn't wrap his head around his fathers sudden change, he felt like he finally made his father proud.

His father really did love him, those two days he spent with his father felt like a dream and he couldn't have been happier, he didn't even need to use his quirk to heal himself, his father hadn't even slapped him and a slap isn't even that bad to Izuku.

Izuku enjoyed the time he spent with his father, he was happy that his father loved him, he had went to sleep with a smile, he went to sleep glad that his life was getting better... however upstairs in his own room Hisashi was smirking to himself.

When he had seen his son eating at a small cafe with the man he recognised as Present Mic he knew he needed to keep Izuku from telling the hero about his life, It was so easy for him to get Izuku to stay away from the man.

Now all he needed to do was keep his son from meeting the man again, Hisashi would die before he let either of them knew that Yamada was Izuku's biological father.

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