Chapter 35

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It had been a few weeks since Hisashi had escaped police custody, Izuku had spent more time with his family and Bakugou, Izuku and Bakugou have basically became a couple they just didn't make it official yet, Izuku's parents teased the boy about it but Izuku just ignored it for the most part.

He was actually really exited because the U.A's entrance exams were coming up soon, a couple police officers checked in on the family and kept an eye on the perimeter but Hisashi hadn't been seen once.

Police figured he left when he realized he couldn't get close to the Aizawa-Yamada house, because of this the police stopped staking out the house, they were busy and needed all the help they could get with other cases.

Every morning an officer comes to make sure the family hasn't seen or heard anything strange, Aizawa had upped the two teens training and helped Hitoshi with his quirk, the family were still curious about Izuku's quirk but they respected his decision to keep it a secret.

Izuku was definitely getting more comfortable with his family, he didn't think it would be long until he was ready to tell them his quirk, he was a little surprised none of them have figured it out yet.

He always uses it when he is alone, he uses it for getting snacks or drinks, he uses it when his parents run out of something, when his papa was feeling down one day Izuku used his quirk to cheer him up, even after all of this Aizawa and Yamada either didn't know or didn't care about Izuku's quirk.

Izuku still remembered that Hitoshi is supposed to be the first to know of his quirk though, he didn't want to break that promise, what nobody knew was that Izuku's quirk would be revealed sooner than any of them thought.

It was a Saturday evening and the family had been getting ready for a few days trip, Aizawa and Yamada had a small beach house they owned an hour or two away from where they lived, they had brought it just after they got married.

They wanted a place for just them, the men thought it would be nice to get away for a while and relax, It would also give the family some time together away from all of their normal everyday drama.

Izuku was extremely exited and he had raved about the trip for over an hour to Bakugou, he was already packed and ready to go bouncing on his heals in exitment, Yamada walked into the room and grinned when he saw Izuku.

He walked over to his son and ruffled his beautiful hair "hey baby, are you exited for our trip" he asked softly, Izuku smiled and nodded his head "uh huh, happy" he said cuddling up to his papa's chest, even though Izuku felt more comfortable speaking now he mostly stuck to using small words.

He found it strange to have full conversations using his voice after he hasn't done it for years, his family understood and never pressured him to speak if he didn't want to or if he wasn't ready, Yamada smiled leaning down to kiss Izuku's cheek.

The teen beamed up at his papa and leaned up rubbing his nose against his papa's, ever since the first time Yamada did this Izuku loved the cute act of affection, Yamada cooed loudly lifting Izuku into his arms, he proceeded to press kisses all over Izuku's chubby cheeks while the boy giggled at his papa.

"Gyaa so cute, my baby is so precious" he mumbled with a bright smile, Izuku giggled and pulled an Uno reverse card on his papa as he began pressing kisses to Yamada's cheeks, Yamada happily accepted the kisses frowning a little when Izuku pulled back.

Izuku gave a beautiful grin as he stroked his papa's cheek "Papa's pretty" he whispered, Yamada sighed contently and began rubbing his cheek against Izuku's in a loving manner, Aizawa and Hitoshi came around the corner wheeling their suitcases behind them.

Hitoshi rolled his eyes in amusement when he saw his papa and walked over to the man holding Izuku, Hitoshi carefully took Izuku from his papa and pulled his brother into a hug "don't hog him papa, dad and i want his cuddles too" he grumbled with a dramatic frown.

Aizawa rolled his eyes at his sons antics and began taking the bags and suitcases to the car, not even noticing the man leave Yamada and Hitoshi began arguing over who Izuku loves more.

Izuku who noticed his dad leave smiled and slipped away from his papa and brother unnoticed, he picked up the last two bags to take them out to the car for his dad, he walked up to the car where Aizawa had just finished putting his last bag in the boot (trunk) of the car.

He looked up smiling when Izuku handed him the bags "Thanks Izuku" he said patting Izuku's head, Izuku nodded with a smile pecking the mans cheek before getting into the back seat of the car.

It wasn't long before Yamada and Hitoshi came out of the house with small pouts, Hitoshi jumped into the back of the car smirking as he pulled out a blanket, Izuku gasped and scooted closer to his brother wanting to share the warmth.

Hitoshi covered them with the blanket and snuggled up to Izuku "We should try and get some sleep, dads will wake us up when we get there" Hitoshi said stroking Izuku's cheek lovingly, Izuku nodded with a smile resting his head on his brothers shoulder.

Yamada soon got into the passenger side of the car followed by Aizawa in the drivers seat "yay! Family road trip" Yamada cheered surprisingly quietly, he had a smile whilst doing jazz hands.

Izuku giggled while Hitoshi held in his own laugh, he wouldn't show his papa he thought he was funny, Aizawa groaned but there was no anger or annoyance in it, instead he had a small smile on his face as he reached over to hold his husbands hand in his.

Izuku watched his parents with a fond smile, he hoped one day he could have a love like his parents had, one that would last forever, he hoped it would be with Bakugou but he would never say that out loud.

Izuku and Hitoshi fell asleep pretty quickly, they had been up early and packed all day, Izuku had his head on Hitoshi chest while the older teen had his rested on top of Izuku's, most of the ride was spent with soft music playing in the background.

It was nice and calming in the car, Yamada and Aizawa shared a soft spoken conversation but didn't want to wake the kids, Yamada kept glancing back at his sons to make sure they were ok, every time he did he couldn't help the smile that pulled at his lips.

His kids were too cute, their small snores especially, Aizawa watch his husband in amusement, he had always been fond of kids, he knew when they had their own he would be over protective, he honestly loved that about the man.

When they made it to the beach house it was eleven in the evening, not wanting to wake their kids they decided to take them inside and then go to sleep themselves, Yamada carefully picked up Hitoshi first, he made sure Izuku didn't fall when he took his human pillow.

After he had Hitoshi securely Aizawa moved to carry Izuku with one arm on his back and the other under his knees, they took them into their vacation home, Aizawa having to unlock the door because Izuku was easier to hold.

They then walked to the kids room and placed them softly in the bed together, they knew Izuku preferred to sleep with Hitoshi, he had been doing it ever since the boys had gotten close.

The men were too tired to collect the bags so they decided they could get them tomorrow, they went into their own room and quickly got changed into their pyjama's, they got into the bed and cuddled up together.

"Night Sho, i love you" Yamada said kissing his husbands cheek, Aizawa pulled the man closer by his waist and kissed his lips "I love you too Zash, now shush and let me sleep" he groaned, Yamada being used to this just chuckled.

Yamada stole one last kiss before snuggling up to his husbands chest, he fell asleep to the familiar smell of coffee. Aizawa smiled and slowly fell asleep to the smell of his husbands coconut shampoo.

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