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Tonight's the night when their reunion will happen. Maryln, their friend, has a resort and the reunion will happen there.

Nina and Rea came together. "Hi girls!" Marlyn welcomed them and she beso the two.

"It's been a long time, right? So how are you guys doing?" Marlyn asked. "We're really fine. Have I told you that she's my girlfriend?" Nina says. "Oh wow! Congratulations you two!" Marlyn tapped the two. She is one of Nina's close friends way back in their High School, she's kind and friendly.

"Hi girls!" Rick shouted. "Ang tagal mo namang makarating, nauna pa tong dalawa." Maryln teased him.

They gathered in a box-shaped table. Nina sat beside Rea and Maryln sat beside Rick. As they were eating, they talked about their past.

"Itong si Nina, halos lahat ata ng lalaki sa school nagkagusto rito e," says Maryln. "Oo nga e, parang bawat punta namin sa canteen may flowers sya kahit hindi naman Valentine's Day," says Rea. Nina was just laughing at the topic. "Oo, yung mga kaibigan ko, baliw na baliw jan sa mga 'yan. Pero, isa lang yung nanalo," says Rick then he evil-laughed. "Si John!" Maryln shouted. "Pero niloko naman sya" Rea replied. "Sira nga yung damuhong 'yun e. Nagspend pa ako ng isang libo nung monthsary namin kasi wala raw syang pera tapos dinala pa ako sa mamahaling restaurant," says Nina which made them all laugh.

"Itong si Maryln, laging nasa acting contest. Ewan ko ba, bawat iyak nya, naiiyak na rin kami," says Rea. "Nung una nga kitang makitang umiyak habang naarte, nagtaka ako kung sino ka. Ayun pala, transferee ka. Sinundan pala si Nina sa school. Inayawan ang private school. Shet!" says Nina. "Ito kasing dalawang 'to, magkaibigan talaga. Akala ko mga nung una mag-on pa e. Pano ba naman, yung mga kilos nila para talagang mag-on," says Rick. 

"Rea, bigtime ka na noon, lalo ka pang bigtime ngayon," says Maryln. "I need to work hard for myself e," says Rea. "Ay ayan na! Nag e-English na. Kanina nawala kasosyalan nya e," says Maryln which made them all laugh.

"Kumusta nga pala yung ari-arian nyo te?" Maryln asked Nina. "Ayun, hindi na talaga binalik ng tita ko. Since nung nag public school naman ako, doon na nila sinumulan pagnanakaw sa mga ari-arian namin. They took advantage of my father's Alzheimer's Disease. But, I'm now starting my own company kasi ang dami kong nasayang na panahon sa pagbabawi ng mga ari-arian namin ni Dad," says Nina. "Nins, we support you. We're here if you need anything," says Nina.

Their friends are already under the influence but Nina controlled herself tonight because she has to drive while Rea didn't drink much alcohol.

"Hey! Nina, Alam mo ba, baliw na baliw sa'yo noon si Rick?" Marlyn said then chuckled. Nina just faked her chortle. "Shhh. Huwag kang maingay baka may jowa na 'yan. Nakakahiya." Rick said.

"Kayo talaga, tumigil tigil na nga kayo sa mga kalokohan nyo. Umuwi na tayo, lasing na kayo." Rea said when she's actually protecting Nina from what Rick can do.

They were about to leave but Rick held Nina's hand. "Baliw na baliw pa rin ako sa'yo." He said. Rea took a step backward to let Nina handle the situation.

"Rick, lasing ka na. Tama na." Nina stated. Rick then pulled her to sit on his lap. Nina stood up and walked backward to him.

Rea can't take it anymore so she pulled Nina away from him.

"I love it....masyado kang protective." Nina stated then bit her lower lip after they left the resort. "As I should, pinaupo ka kaya nya sa lap nya. Do you think hahayaan lang kita? Besides, you are mine, right? I should protect my honey." Rea seriously talked to Nina.

Nina can't help but blush all over her face. She looked away so Rea won't notice it.

"I can clearly see your face, Hun." Rea said. "No ha, I'm not blushing," Nina stated without facing the former. "But, I didn't say you're blushing," the former chuckled. The latter then pushed her.

"Let's go home na nga, I'll show you something," Nina said.

They're now at home and Rea still doesn't know what Nina prepared for her.

"What's up, Hun?" Rea asked as they entered the door. "Shhh. Baka magising." Nina said which made the former get more confused.

When they opened the lights, she saw a Persian cat sleeping on her couch. "Oh wow, Hun. She's so cute." Rea said. "Hun, lalaki siya." Nina laughed. "Hindi mo naman kasi sinabi." The former said. "E nagsalita ka kasi kagad." Nina fired back.

"Ah, talaga? Umuwi ka na sa bahay nyo." Rea left carrying the cat. Nina followed her to the backyard, "Wait, Hun. I'm just kidding." Nina hugged her from the back. Rea faced her then replied, "Gotcha,"  then winked.

"Gusto mo lang ng yakap ko 'no?" Nina teased her. "Of course, I love it whenever you hug me since we were just friends," Rea stated why caressing the cat's head.

"Oh, so you were taking advantage of me?" Nina asked her. "Of course not. Didn't you realize na I stopped kissing your cheeks when I was 21? It's because I realized that I love you more than friends and if I will kiss your cheeks, I may not control myself," Rea replied.

"Oh, so, we both started loving each other when we were 21," says Nina. "How romantic is that?" Rea giggled.

They went inside to watch television in the living room.

"Rick says that he still loves you," Rea broke the silence between them. "Malalaman nya rin na tayong dalawa na. Don't worry, Rea," Nina replied.

Nina tapped the space beside her as a signal to Rea to sit. Rea then sat beside her and Nina wrapped her arms on her nape.

"I love you," Nina whispered. "I love you so much," Rea replied.

Maybe you're right, I'm overprotective, and it's because you are mine.

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