You Were There

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Nina was awoken by someone shouting her name.

"Nina! Nina!" It was Isay, her step-father's daughter.

She hurriedly walked towards the sound. She found herself standing in front of his room then she saw her crying—hugging him.

She saw him lying down, pale.

"Pa! Paaa! Paaaaa!!" Isay shouted as her tears were flowing non-stop.

Nina couldn't say a word.

She hurriedly called an ambulance.

10 minutes after, the ambulance arrived.

Nina was hugging Isay to comfort her.

She was trying so hard not to cry and just let Isay cry it all.

While the two were mourning, Rea was in her car, watching and hesitating to come close to them.

But Isay saw her car.

After an hour

Isay called Rea who was still outside the house.

"Ate? Bakit po?" Rea asked.

"Come in. She needs you right now," Isay replied.


Then the call ended.

Isay welcomed Rea, then told her about Nina's whereabouts.

Isay went to the backyard while Rea went to Nina's room.

Rea knocked.

"Bakit At--" Nina opened the door. She was expecting Isay's presence but she saw Rea.

Rea saw Nina's puffy eyes, red nose, and a tear.

"Uhm...anong ginagawa mo dito?" Nina said then wiped her tear.

Rea didn't answer anything.

They were staring at each other for a while as they both didn't say anything.

Nina broke the eye contact and went to the dining area then offered Rea a drink.

Rea went closer and then hugged her from the side.

Nina looked at her then Rea leaned Nina's head to her shoulders.

Nina started crying on Rea's shoulder while the latter was stroking the former's back.

They stayed like that for quite a while.

Nina released herself from Rea's arms and then said, "I'm sorry. Bakit ka nga pala nandito?"

She thought Rea didn't know about what happened.

"I'm sorry for your loss."

Nina looked at her and then genuinely smiled.

"Sige alis na'ko." Rea said then turned but before she even took a step, Nina held her wrist.

"Please, stay with me, kahit ngayon lang?" Nina said then Rea faced her.

"Of course." She then nodded.


The whole week of his wake, Nina was entertaining the visitors while Isay was sitting in front of her father's casket.

Rea stayed with them for a week. She was just looking at the both of them and helping as much as she can.

On the day of the funeral, Isay was called for the family viewing and so was Nina that touched her heart.

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