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Nina didn't take a break to focus on their company. When she's at work, she takes away her emotions toward Pilla.

In a week they got to buy a new building, a bigger one.

Rea's still working on how to get rid of Victor.

Someone knocked on Rea's house. She went out to see who the person was. It was Victor.

"Hi," he greeted. "What are you doing here?" she asked.

"Hun, sino 'yan?" Nina said as she was walking toward the gate.

"Nina, si Victor," she then looked down.


Victor ignored Nina and then asked Rea. "Can I invite you for dinner?" he said.

"Why don't you eat alone?" Nina said, looking straight at Victor.

"Excuse me?" he said.

"Hun, let me handle this," Rea tapped Nina's shoulder.

Nina went inside as she obeyed Rea.

Rea went inside, changed her clothes, fixed herself, kissed Nina then left.

Rea decided to eat with Victor and her father.

Nina noticed Rea's decision so she didn't bother to ask.


After 2 hours, Rea entered her house.

She went upstairs to see if Nina was already asleep.

True enough, she saw Nina sleeping.

She took a shower and then decided to sleep.


It's now 5 a.m. and Nina cooked their breakfast while Rea's still sleeping.

As Nina was eating, Rea was walking downstairs.

"Good morning, Hun," Rea said. When she was about to kiss her cheeks, Nina didn't let her.

"What's wrong?" she asked. She didn't get any response.

Nina has finished her food. She then left the house without saying goodbye to Rea.


Nina ate lunch and dinner, alone.

Rea found it so weird that Nina didn't even message her and it's past 8 p.m.-she's still not home.

After a while, Nina entered Rea's house.

Rea was waiting for Nina.

Nina was walking straight upstairs and stopped when Rea said something.

"Hun, anong nangyari? Bakit late ka? Hindi ka pa dito kumain," she said.

Nina continued walking.

Rea stopped her by holding her wrist.

"Ano bang nangyayari? Bakit ka nagkakaganyan?" she asked.

"Let me go. I need to take a shower," she said without looking at Rea.

"No. We should talk," she said.

Nina faced her then said, "Rea, I'm tired."

"Tired of what?"

"Me? Us?"

Rea released Nina's wrist from her hand.

"Nina, hindi mo ba maintindihan 'yung dinner dinner namin ni Victor?" she asked.

"Hindi ko alam, Rea. There's something wrong with me. I know what you are doing with him but I can't accept the fact na siya na yung mas nakakasama mo," she said.

"Hun, dinner and lunch lang 'yung mga 'yun. Walang malisya," she said.

"What?! Walang malisya?! But kasama nyo yung tatay mo sa halos lahat ng lakad nyo. Walang malisya?! What the hell is that, Rea?"

"I can't believe na ikaw pa 'tong may ganang magalit. Ni hindi mo nga masesante si Pilla,"

"How can I fire her when she's my business partner?" she angrily said.

"You still want to work with her when you know that she loves you? Oh, Nina"

"Of course! I don't care if she loves me. Anong iniingatan ko ay 'yung, friendship and partnership!"

"Don't change the subject. You like Victor, don't you?" she added.

"How can you say that? I can't believe you, Nina. I didn't know that you can be this.."

"What? Say it, Rea" she then held both Rea's hands.

"I don't love him okay. I will never love him"

"So why do you spend most of your free time with him?!"

"If  you don't love him, then don't waste your time. Say it. Parang gusto mo syang pakasalan sa ginagawa mo" she added.

"Nina, stop. Nasasaktan ako" she said, pointing out Nina's hands.

Nina didn't let it go.

Rea's tears started to pour. "Nina, I'm scared. Please, s-stop."

Nina let go of Rea's hands then the latter kneeled.

She was crying so bad and so was Nina.

Nina kneeled to hold Rea's face.

"I'm s-sorry. I'm sorry, sorry, sorry..." she was sobbing so hard.

"I love you. Ikaw lang ang mahal ko" she said.

She then hugged Nina.

"Tinatanggap ko lang yung alok nya kasi nandyan lagi si papa. Nahihirapan din ako. Hindi ko siya matanggihan. Ang akala ko, naiintindihan mo ako, Nina. I'm sorry" she said as they were hugging each other.

"Natatakot na rin kasi ako na baka mawala ka. 'What if mahalin mo na rin siya.'' What if maikasal ka talaga sa kanya.'  Ang daming pumapasok sa isipan ko. Malaking takot 'yung nasa puso ko" she said.

Rea faced Nina then cupped her cheeks."Ikaw at ikaw lang. Mahal kita wala ng iba."

"Bakit ko naman pipilitin mahalin ang isang taong, alam ko sa sarili kong hindi ako magiging masaya?"  she added.

Nina smiled after the relief she felt with Rea's last statement.

"Are you happy with me?"

"Of course. Pero hindi naman laging masaya, Hun. Hindi naman tayo magiging masaya palagi pero hinding hindi kita iiwan."

I badly wanted that assurance from you.

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