Nothing Can Stop Us Now

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Nina arrived 10 minutes late at their meeting spot.

Rea stood up when she saw Nina entering the restaurant.

"Hi!" Rea greeted with a smile on her face.

"Hi," just like Rea, Nina also greeted with a smile on her face.

"I'm sorry na-traffic lang," she added.

"No, it's fine."

Nina sat opposite to Rea. The latter called a waitress to get an order.

After ordering, the two were silent until Rea decided to break the ice.

"How are you?" Rea asked as they were looking at each other's eyes.

"Well, I need to move on." Nina replied then Rea nodded.

"Thank you ulit sa pagsama samin ni Ate. We appreciate it so much," she added.

"No need to thank me over and over again. I did it for you and also for Tatay. I know naman lahat ng ginawa nya for you."

Nina just smiled then their order came.

The two were peacefully eating when someone interrupted them.

"Oh, wow. Looks like there'll be a reunion. Magbabalikan na ba kayo?"

Rea and Nina looked at him.

Rea stood up and spoke that only Victor can hear while grinding her teeth , "Get out of here."

Victor ignored her then talked to Nina.

"Hi, remember me?"  he then offered his hands.

Nina didn't say anything then looked away. She's getting chills.

"Stop this, Victor. Get out!" Rea shouted as she lost her patience.

The three didn't mind the people's eyes looking at them.

Victor chuckled then placed his hands inside his pockets.

"I should go." Nina stood up then Rea held her hand.

"I'm sorry, Nina. Let's talk, please?"

Nina released her hands from Rea's then walked away.

Rea followed her and Victor was left alone.

Rea was talking to her but she ignored her until the former's standing before her.

"Hon, let's talk, please? Punta muna tayo sa bahay."

Nina looked at her eyes then she saw the sincerity in it which made her nod.

Rea lead Nina to her car then drove.

At Rea's house

Nina saw how the house was just like how it was when she left.

Rea was sorry for dusts that the house contains.

"I'm sorry. Isang linggo ko rin 'tong hindi nagamit. Hindi kasi ako dito tumira."

"Bakit?" Nina asked as she was looking around the house.

Rea was hesitant to answer Nina's question but she eventually answered.

"Kasi...kung--Hindi ko kasi kaya na tumira dito nang wala ka."

Nina looked at her then their eyes met.

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