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A/N: Hey everyone! New story here, that was literally a thought that popped up at work! Let me know what you think!


"Night Paislee," Hailey whispered before slowly walking out of the toddler's bedroom, carefully shutting it silently.

"She asleep?" Jay asked, meeting his wife in the hallway of their apartment.

"I hope so," the blonde sighed, leaning against the wall opposite their 2-year-olds shut door. "Remember when she used to sleep through the night?"

"No little feet waking us up before a cannonball lands on us at 3 AM. Yeah, I remember," Jay sighed with a small chuckle.

The pair headed off to their room across the hallway, getting ready for bed themselves before going to the living room.

The tv was always kept quiet in hopes that the near 2-year-old wouldn't hear it and wake up. They really only watched one episode of anything before yawns were taking over and the exhausted couple retreated to their bedroom.

"Night," Hailey sighed, pulling the covers up as she got comfortable in the big bed.

"Night, love you," Jay smiled, kissing his wife and letting it linger for a moment before pulling away.

"Love you too," Hailey mumbled, letting the exhaustion take over as she fell asleep.


He doesn't remember falling asleep, just waking up to a vibrating phone on the nightstand. 3 in the morning. Who would be calling at 3 am? He carefully sat up, hoping he wouldn't wake Hailey up as he looked at the number he didn't recognize.


"Jay Halstead?" The voice asked on the other end of the phone.

"Yes?" He replied, attempting to rub the sleepiness off his face.

"Do you have any relation to a Riley Halstead?" The voice asked.

"I'm sorry. Who is this?" He asked, not knowing who this woman was talking about.

"I'm sorry, this is Katie with the department of child and family services. I have Riley here. Her mother had you and a Will Halstead listed as next of kin," the woman, Katie, explained to a very confused Jay. Not to mention it was 3 in the morning. When she got no response, she continued, "Mr. Halstead?"

"Uh yeah. I'm here. I'm not sure. I don't know anyone in our family named Riley, what's her mother's name?"

"Michelle Salben," the woman replied, leaving Jay even more confused. "Father is listed as Pat Halstead,"

"Oh my god," Jay sighed, getting out of bed to leave the room. "She'd be my half-sister then. I had no clue about her,"

"She said she was told she had half brothers but it's only ever been her and her mom. Her father has not been around since she was a baby. She doesn't remember him at all,"

"What happened?" Jay asked, pacing the living room floor.

"There was a house fire, Riley made it out. Her mother did not," the woman answered, explaining the reason for the call at 3 am.

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