Thirty Six

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After a week, Riley was cleared to go to school and she could go to practice but she wouldn't be able to participate. She didn't want to sit around practice but figured it'd be better to show support for her team instead of just going home.

She got to practice right at 3:45 as usual, sitting on the turf while her team started warming up.

"How you feeling?" Mrs. Kaynes said as she sat down beside the teenager.

"Okay. I wish I could play," she sighed, watching as the team kicked the ball back and forth through their warmup.

"I know. But you will," she told her, watching the team also. "We'll have you back on the field,"

"Hopefully soon," she nodded, watching as her coach got up and headed back to instruct the team through their drills.

Riley watched the whole time, hating that she was just sitting. She was lucky she could drive, so she was able to take her car and as soon as she parked in the garage, she started crying.

She knew there were cameras in the driveway so she knew her parents knew she was home. She just hoped they left her alone for the time being, she just needed to cry.

Hailey had seen that she pulled in, waiting a few minutes before she opened the garage door and checked to see what was going on.

"Sorry mama," she sighed as she got out and grabbed her backpack.

"It's okay. You okay?" Hailey asked, coming toward her daughter and the car.

"Yeah. Just sucks that I can't play," she shrugged but took one look, at Hailey and just broke down. "Why is it always me?"

"I know," Hailey told her, pulling her into a hug, "you've had a rough few months,"

"It's been hell," she sighed, trying to control her tears, "It just all keeps coming,"

"I know honey," she nodded, "Let's go in and eat something. We'll talk in there,"

Riley nodded and got her bag, going inside with her mom.

As soon as they were inside, Jay and Hailey locked eyes, Hailey giving him a look that simply said, 'Don't ask' because she knew it would just make Riley cry even more.

They ate dinner and Riley headed up to her room to wind down for the night, knowing Hailey was going to come up at some point. She did after a little bit with a tub of ice cream and 2 spoons for both of them.

"Scoot over," she smiled a little, sitting on the mattress that was still on the floor. "I brought your favorite,"

"Thanks, mama," she said as she moved over, making room for her mom to sit down.

"Alright. Let's talk because I can tell there's more going on than you just being upset," Hailey said as she handed Riley a spoon and opened the tub of chocolate ice cream.

"What do you mean?" She asked, taking a spoonful of the sweet treat.

"Come on Ri. I'm your mom, I can tell,"

"Another boy texted me," she sighed, taking another bite.


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