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Another year had passed and it was the day that they were moving Riley into her dorm room at Ohio State University. She was studying marketing and hoping to break into the sports industry and get a job with a well-known soccer team.

"Who's your roommate?" Hailey asked, helping her make her bed as she handed things up to Riley.

"I don't know. Initials were BA," she shrugged, "Hand me Paisy?"

Jay chuckled and lifted the now 5-year-old up and onto the bed with Riley's help.

"It's big up here!" She giggled as someone knocked on the door.

Jay opened the door to reveal Bristol with bags and bags of her stuff.

"What!" Riley squealed, jumping off her bed and leaving Paislee up top.

"Hello! You left me!" Paislee said before Jay got her down easily.

"What are you doing here?!" Riley asked, hugging her best friend immediately.

"I'm your new roommate!"

"But the form says RH and BA?" Riley asked, handing the form over to her.

"Oh yeah, my parents got married," she grinned.

"What!" She grinned, looking at Stephanie and Kevin.

"And Kev adopted me!"

"Bee!! Why didn't you tell me?!" She asked, hugging her again.

"I wanted to surprise you!" She laughed, "Help me get my side all set up,"

Within hours, they had the matching dorm room of their dreams!

As soon as you opened the door, a small hallway lead into their shared room. The door directly to the right was the bathroom that they shared with 2 girls on the other side. They had gotten a rug to put between their beds so they wouldn't be shocked by the cold tile against their feet in the mornings.

Their bedding was gray and pink with white fluffy pillows. They had a shelving unit directly behind them and a cabinet between their beds. They moved their 2 desks so they were side by side and put a small couch on the opposite side.

Jay and Hailey had gotten them a smart TV that they hung in the corner of the room so both of them could watch TV.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2023 ⏰

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