Forty One

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Hailey was kept at med overnight just to watch the concussion and make sure everything would end up alright.

They all got home around 8 in the morning and both Hailey and Riley went right to bed again. Riley had slept on the couch and it was less than comfortable so she was ready to go back to her bed. She didn't care about how bad the couch was, all that she cared about was being close to her mom at that point.

Jay kept an eye on both of them but ran out once they were asleep to go and get Paislee. He made sure to call Dr. Charles' office on the way and get an appointment set up as soon as possible for Riley.

He got to Will's place and knocked on the door waiting for a second before his brother opened the door.

"Hey," Will said as he let his brother in the house.

"How was she?" He asked, stepping in and following Will to the room where Paislee was sleeping.

"Fine, went right to bed," Will shrugged, opening the door to the room.

Jay smiled a little, lifting Paislee out of the playpen carefully.

"Dada," she whined, rubbing her eyes as she laid her head on his shoulder.

"I got you Paisy, you ready to go home?" He asked, patting her back as she laid against him.

"Mama," the toddler mumbled, keeping her arms around Jay's neck as he carried her.

"Yep, we'll go see Mama," he nodded, thanking Will before taking the toddler to the truck, strapping her into her car seat, and heading home.

Paislee slept all the way back home so Jay carried her in and up the steps to her room before he went and checked on Riley and Hailey who were both still sound asleep.

He went back downstairs and started to make some breakfast for all of them. He didn't know when they'd be awake so he just made something that could be easily warmed up in case.

Riley was the first one to get out of bed and lazily walk down the steps and to the kitchen.

"Hey Ri," he said as he looked over to see the teen.

"Morning," she mumbled, sitting on one of the counter stools and laying her head down on the counter.

"Figured you'd sleep a little longer," he said as he set a plate in front of her. "Why don't you eat and see if you can wake up a little bit?"

"Mhm," she mumbled again, sitting up and eating a little bit of the scrambled eggs that Jay had made for her.

He watched her closely as he made a plate for Hailey and took it upstairs before he came back down and sat next to her with his own plate.

"You okay?" He asked, looking over at his daughter as she ate.

She nodded a little, eating some of her food quietly.

"I know you Riley, you only get like this when something is bugging you. Is it still Mom?" He asked, squeezing her shoulder gently in a way that just let her know that he was there and listening.

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