Thirty Nine

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—3 Weeks Later—

Hailey had booked them a hotel room for their little getaway, but not in Springfield as Riley thought. She booked one in Lakewood.

"Alright, I'll be here right around 3," Hailey told her as she pulled up to the school.

"Sounds good. I'll see you later mama," Riley smiled, shutting the car door as soon as she was out.

"Love you," Hailey said as she rolled down the passenger side window.

"Love you to mama," She smiled, waving before she headed into the school.

Hailey drove to work, hoping she'd made the right choice in taking Riley to Lakewood instead of Springfield. She'd seemed happy when Jay took her so Hailey was hoping she'd get the same reaction.

At the district, Hailey and Kim were assigned to go question a victim together and Kim couldn't help but notice the nervousness written all over Hailey's face.

"You okay over there?" Kim asked, not wanting to bug the blonde about it but also wanted to make sure everything was okay with her and the family.

"Yeah. Riley and I are going away for the weekend and it was originally Springfield but then I decided to take her to Lakewood. I'm just second-guessing it," She sighed.

"I think she'll love it though. Go back and see her home," Kim said, looking over at the blonde as she drove.

"That's the thing. Now, home is Chicago," Hailey said as she turned the car, glancing at Kim before looking back at the road.

"Home is wherever she's with you and Jay and Paislee," Kim told her, "You guys saved her. Imagine where she'd be if you guys didn't"

"I don't want to even picture what type of environment she could've been put into. With everything we see and hear on those cases, I can't imagine Riley going through that," She said, stopping before she looked at Kim. "I just hope this doesn't bring up old ghosts."

"Yeah," Kim nodded, "But I'm sure she'll be fine. She has you for a mom and that's something she needed,"

Hailey smiled a little as she got out of her car, thanking Kim for everything she had brought up. Sometimes she just needed to hear that she was doing the right thing. All moms needed to hear it at some point.

"Alright now let's go get this done so you can start your mini getaway," Kim smiled, walking into the building with her coworker and one of her good friends.


"So you're going to Springfield?" Bristol asked as she and Riley walked the halls.

"Yep, she's picking me up right after school and we're heading out," Riley nodded, stopping as Bristol played with the lock.

"That'll be fun. Just you and her," she smiled, stopping at her locker to put some of her books away before lunch.

"Yeah, it'll be good. I'll get some one on one time with her," Riley smiled, waiting on her best friend before they headed off to lunch.

They quickly got through the line and sat at their usual table, being joined by Jake and his best friend, Tyler. Riley had been giving him a chance but in no way was ready to start a relationship with the boy. She'd talk and make conversation for now, and that's as far as she let it get.

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