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"Wiwey up!" Paislee giggled, jumping on the bed as Hailey helped her up.

"Too early," the teen mumbled, squinting as she lifted her phone to see it was only 7 in the morning. "I thought no school meant sleeping in?"

"Usually it does, but not on moving day. Come on, we got work to do. Up and dressed," Hailey requested, taking Paislee and heading out of the teen's room.

Riley sighed and peeled herself off her bed, making sure to take her phone charger out of the outlet and throw them in her bag. She got dressed and took the sheets and bedding off, stuffing all of it into a trash bag before making sure the last of her things were all packed.


Hours passed and everything had been loaded into the moving truck, leaving the Halsteads to say goodbye to the apartment.

Riley went into her empty bedroom and sat in the middle of the floor, letting out a deep sigh. She looked around and remembered everything she could. The day they brought her back to the apartment, decorating her room, all the nightmares and either one staying with her, the countless hangouts with Bristol, and all the books she read to Paislee in the corner.

"Hey, you okay?" Hailey asked, knocking lightly on the door.

"Yeah, just checking to make sure I have everything," She nodded with a smile.

"Reminiscing a little?"

"Yeah," She chuckled, "I'm excited about the new house but this quickly became home,"

"I know. It was the first place Jay and I lived together, we brought Pais home here, we brought you home here, but. It's just 4 walls and a few doors, the memories are always taken with you," Hailey smiled, sitting on the floor beside Riley.

"Thanks Hail," Riley smiled, hugging the woman tightly.

"Come on, let's get to the new house," She nodded toward the door.

Riley smiled and nodded as Hailey helped her get up. Jay and Hailey had already gotten Riley's jeep and Hailey's jeep to the new house while they packed the remainder of their things into the back of Jay's Ram.

As soon as that was finished, all 4 of them got in the truck and drove to the new house together.

"This is it," Hailey smiled as Jay pulled into the driveway at the back of the house and into the connected garage.

Jay smiled and put the truck in park before turning around to face the girls in the back seat, "Okay. So the door won't close with my truck in here so Ri, you get the left side of the garage, Hail gets the right and I'll park on the side. But for now, let's go check out the new house,"

All 4 of them got out, Hailey getting Paislee from her car seat before unlocking the door that lead straight into the kitchen. The kitchen was a light gray color, with white cabinets and a white island in the middle of the room. The kitchen then led into the dining area that was white-walled and a big open space that had plenty of room for the dining table.

They all 4 rounded the corner to see the big living room with windows all around the room with white paint, a dark gray accent wall, and a fireplace stuck in the middle.

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