Twenty Nine

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"Riley let's go. You're gonna be late," Jay called up the steps.

"I'm coming!" She called back, opening her do and running down the steps, "It's already 7:15?!"

"Yeah, you overslept, and then insisted on all that makeup,"

"Dad," She groaned, "I gotta go,"

"Bagel," Hailey said, handing over a sandwich bag with a fully made bagel inside, "Do not eat it while you drive,"

"Got it, love you," She smiled, kissing her cheek, Paislee's head, and Jay's cheek, "Bye, love you guys,"

"Love you," Jay echoed, watching as she rushed out to her Jeep.

"What's with all that makeup? And don't hide anything because I know you know,"

"She got a note on her locker after soccer practice last night,"

"From a boy?"

"I'd assume so," He shrugged.

"Are we ready for that?" Hailey asked.

"She's 16 Hail, we have to be ready," Jay told her, cleaning Paislee up from her breakfast.

"What's his name?"

"No clue,"

"Does she know?" She asked, ready to text Riley about this new boy in her life.

"She got a note with no name, and they want to meet her in the cafeteria at school," Jay explained.

"Wait slow down," She started, "She doesn't even know his name, and she's meeting him?"

"In the school Hail. It's not like she's leaving school grounds," He chuckled.

"How are you so okay with this?" She asked, looking at her husband like he was insane, "Our 16-year-old is meeting a boy. Could become a boyfriend. She's too young for that,"

"Hailey she's 16. She's gonna do what she's gonna do. She's at school, she's safe,"

"I guess," She sighed, "You heading in?"

"Only if you're taking Pais in. I'll take her if you want me to,"

"I'll take her," She nodded.

"Alright, I'll meet you at work. I love you,"

"Love you," She smiled.


At the school, Riley looked in every class to see who this mystery guy could possibly be. She was a little nervous to see who it actually was, but was also curious.

Bristol met her in the hallway before lunch, both of them looking over the note to see who they both thought of.

"I don't know who it could be and I really don't know if I want to," She shrugged, grabbing food from the line as she and Bristol made their way through.

"What's the harm in finding out?" Bristol asked, shrugging a little as she grabbed a banana.

"Do you know my parents? As soon as they figure out his name, they'll be doing some kind of background check," She chuckled, heading to their normal table and sitting down.

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