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Paislee woke up at the crack of dawn, standing up in her pack-n-play and waiting for her parents to wake up.

"Paisy," Hailey sighed, getting out of bed to pick up the toddler. "You wanna come snuggle between mommy and daddy?"

Paislee nodded and snuggled up on Hailey's shoulder as they went back to bed. "Mama, wiwey?"

"Riley's sleeping still," Hailey whispered, pulling the blankets back over her and Paislee.


Riley was up an hour or so later, starting coffee for Jay and Hailey and making a bagel for herself.

Hailey and Paislee had passed out again but Jay woke up and came down the steps.

"Morning kiddo," Jay said as he kissed the back of her head.

"Morning," Riley smiled, sitting in the dining room with her phone.

"How long have you been up?" He asked, getting his own cup of coffee and sitting down with his sister.

"I forgot to turn off my alarm for school so 6," she chuckled, finishing off her plate.

"Did you turn it off?"

"No," she laughed, grabbing her phone to actually turn the alarm off. "Hail and Pais still sleeping?"

"Yeah, Pais must've woke up early. I didn't hear her but Hailey must have," he said as he got up, "come on, let's go sit outside. Get some fresh air,"

Riley nodded and got up, setting her plate in the sink before going out to the large deck with her brother.


Hailey and Paislee came down around 9, both eating while Jay and Riley watched a little TV. The little vacation was meant to be a relaxing vacation for the family with some fun as well. They had planned on mini golf, go-kart racing as well as some hiking and swimming in the lake.

Paislee had to take a nap around 1 so they were planning small things for Riley to do with either of them, keeping the little one on her schedule.
Jay was in the bedroom with Paislee, while Hailey and Riley attempted to make face masks in the kitchen. They were failing miserably but that made it even more enjoyable.

"Hold on hold on, I think this is how you do it," Hailey chuckled, grabbing a little of their failed mask and smearing it on Riley's face.

"Hail!" She giggled, grabbing some more and doing the same.

"We failed," she laughed.

"We did,"

"Well. Only one thing left to do with it all," Hailey chuckled, taking a little handful and tossing it at Riley.

Riley did the same and both ended up throwing the remnants of the failed face mask at each other. They were laughing and having a good time before they took it outside and jumped in the lake, still fully clothed.

Jay heard it all, watching out the window upstairs as he put the toddler to bed. Work Hailey and home Hailey were polar opposites, especially with the 2 kids around. He loved seeing Hailey's fun side, especially with Riley and Paislee.

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