Forty Two

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At school, Riley made sure to turn in all the work that she'd missed before she went to her first class of the day. She explained the situation to all of her teachers, who also already knew since Hailey had let them know. They knew everything from the time Riley was taken in by the Halsteads.

Bristol was waiting afterward to walk to their next class together in Miss Kaynes' class. They both made it through her class as well as algebra before they all headed to lunch. They went in the line, both chatting as they grabbed their food.

Jake had already gotten their table and was waiting with his lunch for Riley and Bristol to show up. He'd been sitting with them lately, enjoying the conversation as he got to know Riley more. She'd been letting him in more and talking more after he'd shown her that he was serious about her and won't do what Keegan did to her.

"He Ri," he smiled as they both sat down.

"Hey," she smiled, "How was your class?"

"Why does history have to be so boring?" He asked, chuckling a little as he bit into his burger.

"History? I thought that class was for napping," she chuckled.

"Did you guys get a date for the spring formal?" Bristol asked, looking between the 2 of them.

"Each other," Riley smiled a little.

"Are you 2 actually a thing now or just 'talking'?" Bristol asked, looking at them with wide eyes.

"That's up to her," Jake chuckled.

"We could be," she chuckled as well, "Ask me after spring formal,"


The next few days were a blur and the weekend soon hit. Stephanie and Hailey planned to take their girls out to find their dresses and overall have a girl's day complete with mani-pedis and ice cream.

Stephanie picked the 2 of them up at 11, heading for a nicer restaurant before they would go dress shopping.

"Are you guys excited?" Stephanie asked as soon as they got sat at a table.

"Yeah," Bristol nodded, "Think Jake has any friends that I could go to the dance with?"

"Probably," she nodded, "remind me to text him about it tonight,"

"Sounds like a plan," she nodded, looking over the menu until they all ordered and waited.

"What do you guys think you're looking for for dresses?" Hailey asked, looking at the 2 girls.

"I don't know, I'm thinking pink," Riley shrugged, "something pretty,"

"I would hope so," she chuckled, "You'll look beautiful in anything,"

"Thanks, mama," she smiled, looking over at Bristol, "What do you have in mind?"

"I don't really have an idea yet, I just figure I'll see what the store has and go from there," she smiled.

"We'll go once we eat," Stephanie smiled, "I'm so excited. She didn't go to the Homecoming so this is the first one we get to pick a pretty dress for,"

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