Chapter 3

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"Don't you think you are a little too young to be drinking?" A man with long hair and knives clinging on to his suit said.

"Don't you think you're too old to be wearing spandex?" I threw back at him.

"Hello, lover." A lady said to the man in the spandex. I suppose they have met before. "You Miss me already? That's too bad. I'm not here to stick around. I'm just doing a quick little drop- off."

"Of what?" The Spandex dude asked.

"Our daughter," the lady said as she put her hand on my shoulder. I looked up and gave an expression like what the fuck are you talking. The lady widened her eyes so I just went along with it.

"Diego, meet... Well, go ahead and introduce yourself to your father."

"Joey, I'm Joey" I said, putting my hand out. He just looked at it, my first thought was; does not know how to shake a hand. After being rejected I put my hand back by my side.

"Let us just say our good byes" My supposed mother took me aside so Diego couldn't hear us.

"Okay, Joey you just need to play this game with him for a couple of days" she said holding out a 20 dollar bill.

"If you really want me to try hard you can double that" I said as she pulled out another 20. I figure I can mess with him for a couple days. It may be fun.

"Wait, what?" The spandex guy; Diego said. "Hey, this is a.... It's a joke, right?"

"That your boys can swim fast? Yeah, joke's on me there. I've had Joey for 17 years. It's time for you to do your part. Have fun bonding." My supposed mom said getting in an elevator "Be good for Mommy."

"So, I'm just gonna take these," I said, grabbing the vodka bottles from his hands, "and you, you think about this whole thing, okay. See, bonding is so much fun, am I right?" I continued walking away.

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