Chapter 7

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"Oh, shit" I said as Klaus laid dead on the floor.

"Diego's gonna kill me" I continue talking to myself as I grabbed some cleaning supplies. I was walking down the hallway to get the material I need when Diego spotted me.

"Joey," he said with a whistle.

"Joey" he said again grabbing my arm. "What is all this? Acid?"

"Well, um, you told me to clean up my own mess. I just have to thank you for teaching me such a valuable lesson in personal responsibility."

"Yeah, I'm not buying that. What's going on?" Diego continued grabbing my arm "you got blood on you. Come on, talk to me. Hey, I'm you dad."

"Um.... Okay. But you gotta promise that your not gonna kill me." I said taking him to the buffalo suite and showing him Klaus' dead body.

"What did you do?" Diego said as he kneeled down and shut Klaus eyes.


"Do not lie to me. This is my brother." Diego said gripping my jacket tight and pulling me close to his face. In which I can tell that he didn't brush his teeth this morning. I felt my powers start to generate. Which normally happens when I'm scared, upset, or mad. "Tell me what you did." I tried to force it down but, I felt my power move around in my body. I felt it in my face; in my eyes. Both my eyes looked like this:

I notice Diego's arms loosen as I walked towards the wall and blinked the redness in my eyes away

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I notice Diego's arms loosen as I walked towards the wall and blinked the redness in my eyes away.

"We were just messing around, and it was fine. Until the gun went off." I said turning back to him.

"And you were gonna dissolve the body?!" Diego yelled.

"I didn't know what else to do, okay? I didn't want you to hate me! I would probably have to go to prison, join a gang for protection, and end up in the hole!" I screamed.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey. I don't hate you. I just..... can't believe it, okay?" Diego said in a comforting voice trying to calm me down. "All the stupid shit Klaus used to do. I used to think he could survive anything, and now he's dead."

"I'm really sorry, Diego. I didn't mean it." I said I hugging him.

"I know you didn't" Diego said wrapping his arms around me as well.

"Come on and help me wrap up your uncle in the carpet." Diego said as we did such thing.

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