Chapter 4

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"Hi there, little one" the crazy high one with long hair said to me when I was at the buffet. "I'm your uncle Klaus" he continued as he raped his arms around me.

"This family is fucking weird" I whispered to myself as I tried to escape this prison like hug.

"We are gonna have so much fun today, I hope you know how to drive cuz' we are gonna go to Old Holland Road, Pennsylvania..."

"Walk away" I said putting my knife near him


"Nope, walk away"

"Jeez, she's just like you," I overheard Klaus say as he walked back over to Diego.

"Wait, who's the mother?" The short guy who looks my age said.

"Lila" Diego said which actually shedded some light on who my supposed mother is.

I got cut off from the conversation but then heard what Diego purposely said louder so I could hear "We got more important things to be dealing with right now!" I flipped him off which my immediate response because he is a Jack-Ass.

I then walked back up to my room where I listened to my music which consisted mostly of the band My Chemical Romance. I snapped my two fingers together and a red lightning bolt existed between my point and middle finger. I moved it to the center of my hand and continued to make it bigger by making a circular motion with both my hands.

"Hey," Diego said as I quickly extinguished the red bolt by clapping my hands. Then I tried to walk pass him because I had a feeling that he wanted to talk about feelings and shit but he grabbed my arm.

"Time for some ground rules," Diego said, pulling me back to the bed.

"How about no physical assault?" I said, hitting his arm.

"Shut up and listen! My father was a Hall of Fame asshole. And when I was a little pissant like you, I made a promise to myself that I would never act like him to any kid of.... mine."

"Jeez, I'm tearing up."

"But I'm a busy man, with a lot on my shoulders, okay? So I'm not gonna let you slow me down either, all right?"

"Yeah, you look really busy right now." I said as he grabbed my ear buds and slammed them against the nightstand "What the fuck."

"I'm going to be nice, you can stay until your mom gets back, all right? But don't do dumb shit, or else you and I are gonna have a serious problem. Look at me." Then he said something in Spanish which I didn't understand. I realized that I didn't take my ear medicine and my ear started leaking out puss

"What the fuck, are you okay" Diego asks me.

"Oh, my ear does this if I don't drain it out" I said touching my ear.

"Come on"


"Hurry up. Alright? We gotta get back to the hotel." Diego said as we got to the store.

"Yeah, I gotta find the right one."

"Just get the no- name shit."

"Have you tried the no- name shit"

"No, because my ear doesn't leak out puss every time I get excited"

"Yeah, then trust me. I need my brand." I said walking to the next aisle.

"Hey Padre I found it" I said as he shushes me "rude"

"Go wait outside," Diego said, pushing me.


"I'm about to kick this fool's ass," he said pointing at this guy with a weird looking face.

"Don't worry. I got your back. This is like bonding, right?"

"Go," he said, pushing me one more time.

After Diego got thrown into a refrigerated milk container I thought maybe I should help him so I snapped my fingers and threw a red lightning ball at the guy with the weird face who's name is Alphonso and he slid across the floor knocked out. Then the girl with like black goo coming out of her mouth went after Diego. I grabbed a frying pan and dodged the goo from touching him.

"Move" Diego said as he pushed me to the ground.

"Hey, I can handle my own shit."

"Come on." He said, grabbing my arm.

"We are still kicking their asses."

"He who fights and walks away lives to fight another day. Okay?"

"That's some lame- ass shit."

"Yeah, I know."

"Ok well I'm tired because saving your ass is a lot of work, I'm going to bed." I said but Diego just sat there looking at nothing.

"Thank you" Diego mumbled

"Sorry what was that I couldn't hear you"

"Thank you, okay. Jesus, your annoying"

"Well it's... genetic" I said tapping his shoulder.

"Gather around people" the short dude who I guess was named Five of all things. "Where's Luther"

"Haven't seen him," Allison says.

"We have bigger problems to worry about right now. These are our mothers." Five says opening a notebook. "They're all dead. They all died on the exact same day, October 1st, 1989."

"That's our birthday." Viktor says.

"Not anymore, it isn't. They all died before we were born." Five continues

"That's dumb. If we weren't born, how can we exist?" Diego says.

"Exactly. When we jumped here, we created a time paradox. All right? Not just any paradox. This is the grandfather paradox."

"What the hell is a grandfather paradox?" I chimed in.
This chapter is getting into the relationship Joey and Diego have. A very sarcastic back and forth banter.

If you know anyone who likes umbrella academy tell them about this story, please. I hope you guys enjoy and the story will pick up in the next couple chapters.

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