Chapter 10

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"So, how is it that we're still here, but the whole of the universe is going down the cosmic shitter?" I asked as we got back to hotel Obsidian.

"Maybe we're the last of it flushed." Viktor answers.

"Hey, has anyone seen Klaus?" Luther questioned.

"Or Dad?" Sloane added.

"They'll be here." Diego assured.

"Really? Did they... hit traffic" Ben said in his jerky ass voice. "Look, people, we're alive because we're special, right? We're the only ones who can save the universe."

"Didn't we just try that and fail miserably?" Allison said.

"Yeah, it's because his plan was stupid." Diego said clearly talking to Ben. "I got a better one. We go with the large hard- on particle accelerator. You guys do the science, and... we launch the Kugelblitz into outer space." After listening to Diego's amazing plan I walked over to where Five was. He was leaning on the railing looking down at hotel flooring completely ignoring the argument Ben and Diego were having. I leaned on the railing as well but was looking at Ben and Diego yell at each other in different languages.

"You okay," Five asks.

"Yeah, I mean the world's ending, your father killed my parents, they never gonna get along to save the world so we are probably gonna end up dying. God! I love my life." I say in a sarcastic tone which made Five chuckle.

"Hey! You guys done?" Five yelled pausing the argument between Ben and Diego. "The universe is disappearing outside. So you can keep rearranging the deck chairs of the Titanic if it makes you feel better. But the fact remains that we are too late."

"Five, come on." Luther says as Diego and Ben scoff.

"It's over, Luther. We failed."

"Yeah, come on, Five. We gotta figure this out, man." Diego said in denial.

"Okay. How about we take a step back? Look at the big picture here. Most of us have spent the last 28 days trying to stop the world from ending. What exactly have we accomplished?" Five paused kinda giving me English teacher vibes.

"Well, we made some friends along the way." Luther said making me cringe.

"Incorrect!" He yelled. "You know what we've done? Nothing. We made things worse every single time. Look, when I went to the Commission, I had a conversation with my 100- year- old self. And my last words were; Don't save the world."

"That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard." Diego responded.

"Is it? Well, whatever we're doing is not working. All we ever do is save the world for a day, pat ourselves on the back, and then everything goes back to shit again." Luther replied.

"Yeah, maybe we're the problem." Viktor continues to which Allison mumbled 'oh, yeah Us' under her breath.

"So, your big plan is, no plan?" I asked.

"Exactly. Conscientious objection. Why the hell not? We've tried everything else. Look, maybe this is just what the universe needs. I say, embrace the apocalypse. See what's on the other side. And if it's... Nothing? It's been nice knowing you all. Whatever's on your bucket list, I recommend you do that now." Five continued walking back over to me.

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