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𝐀𝐧 𝐨𝐝𝐝 𝐩𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫?

Story telling pov
(Lilith's pov)

Both Bruno and Abbachio had looked confused on what you said.
"Your stand? You can control it now?" Bruno asks. Abbachio walks up to you. "What happened while you two were down here?"

You look at Bruno. "You mean you didn't tell him what happened?" Bruno looks away sheepishly. "I didn't have time to. I was to busy tending to your fever." You looked confused. "I had a fever?" Bruno and Abbachio nod. "Mhm. You just passed out with a fever of over forty degrees Celsius."

You had a even more confused look on your face. "Eh? That's weird.." you muttered. "Anyway Abbachio, let me explain." Says Bruno. He clears his throat.

"Me and you are the only ones who know about Lilith's stand ability so far. I helped her have the ability to actually control her stand." He says proudly. Abbachio makes a small humming sound. "I see. You can control your stand now?" You nod.

"Well, for the most part. I'm pretty sure people still, um. I don't know how to word this." Abbachio and Bruno seem to get the point.

You stand up and bring out your stands physical form. Bruno gasps, Abbachio just has a shocked look on his face. "Your stand has a strange appearance." Bruno nods in agreement. "Definitely. It's unlike anything I've ever seen."

"I had a really odd dream, about my stand. Basically just about how I've unlocked my stands other ability's."

"What are your stands other ability's?" Abbachio asks. "Hm.. we'll Just have to find out." You have a hunch on what it's going to be. Your stand walks forward, and takes out its hand, making its palm face Abbachio. "The hell? Why are you testing it on me!?" Abbachio curses. "Do you have any objections?" He doesn't respond, just scoffs.

Suddenly, a wave of comfort hits both you and Bruno. For Abbachio, the wave of comfort is different. "W-what is this feeling..?" Abbachio gasps as he grasps his clothes while looking up. Bruno gets startled as well. "What is this!? I feel like.. My mother is petting me, hugging me, from my childhood."

The feeling washes away from Bruno and you, but for Abbachio it's increasing. He falls to ground. "I h-have never felt anything like this.." Bruno runs up to him. "Abbachio!? Are you okay!?" Bruno yells at him. "Bucciarati! This feeling...

Bruno looks confused at Abbachio. Suddenly, Abbachio touches the top of Bruno's head. "Umm...?" Bruno questions Abbachio. You release the effects of your stand from Abbachio. He starts panting on the ground, and he groans.

"What the fuck was that!?" He yells at you. "I didn't think that was going to happen!" You yell back. "What happened to you Abbachio!?" Bruno helps Abbachio up.

"It was the best feeling I have ever felt in my life...? I felt like I was being caressed by a angel.." he says. "Huh? Lilith, what did you do?" Bruno asks. "Apparently, my stand has some weird magic thing that I can move wherever I want.. I suppose aura?" Bruno nods and you continue.

"I could control Abbachio, so first I made him sit.." Abbachio gets mad at this. "I'm not a dog you bastard!" You ignore him.

"Then I made him touch your head, Bruno." Brunos eyes widen. "You could control anything Abbachio did? That's a terrifying power... worse then Fugos." He says. "Well, that still doesn't explain why I felt like that!"Abbachio yells at you once more.

"What do you mean Abbachio? Didn't you just feel a intense comfort feeling?" Abbachio looks almost embarrassed for a second, then he speaks up. "Not at all it was a crazy, insane feeling. I have never felt that before." He mutters.

"Lilith, use it on me." Bruno orders. "Are you sure Bruno?" What happened to Abbachio kind of scared you, to be honest. "Yes. Just do it." Abbachio just has a annoyed look on his face then leaves. "I'll.. be right back." He walks out.

You stand faces Bruno, then the feeling had come back to you. Bruno was in shock. "What is this?" He places his hand on his chest. "It feels like my heart is about to explode.." You sweat drop a bit. You disable it, feeling a little worn out.

"Um.. are you okay?" Bruno looks at you. "Can you use it on yourself?" He asks. "Umm, why do you want to know??" He looks at you. "Just curious, I guess. It would be a good way to help someone who's heavily injured." You nod in agreement.

"Do you want me to test if it works on me?" You asks him. "Yeah. If your injured, you could just use it on yourself too."

"Yeah, I believe it works on multiple people too." You say.

You bring your stand over to you, and L.F brings its hand towards your face. You don't feel anything at first, but whenever you concentrate a little harder, you feel a overwhelming feeling you. "Ah!" You fall back onto where you sleeping, and it feels like you could explode with happiness.

Your whole body was experiencing the best thing you have ever felt. You removed your stand, winceing at the odd feeling. You sat there panting. "Now I understand what you both felt." Your face turns red.

Bruno sits nexts to you. "Are you okay?" He asks. You nod your head at him. "Yeah, that was just so unexpected."

"Well, at least you can use your stand better than ever. You really have gotten powerful." Bruno smiles at you, and you smile back. "You really have a useful stand." You agree.

You hear Narancia come down from above, and he sees your face and Bruno's faces being a bright red. "AHH! I think I just WALKED IN ON SOMETHING!" he covers his eyes. Fugo comes down to look. "Narancia, Abbachio just said Lilith had a fever. Bruno's just taking care of her.

Narancia rubs the back of his head. "Oh! Haha.." Fugo walks over to you and Bruno. "We're about to be at Capri. You two should come up here." You and Bruno both get up and walk up back at the top of the Yacht. Abbachio looks out into the ocean, still thinking about what he felt.

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