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Story telling pov
(Lilith's pov)

Everyone has already gotten off of the island. You are all on Capri.

"So, where's the treasure at, Bucciarati?" Narancia eagerly waits for the groups next move. "And why are we at a public restroom?" Mista looks at Bruno confused.

"Well, this is where the treasure is." Your friends look shocked as he says that. "Ehh, really? Where?" You look around the outside of the restroom confused.

A janitor walks over to clean the restroom. Narancia walks over and tells them to go somewhere else. "Huh? Your name is restroom?" Narancia gets angry at the janitor. "No..?! Are you messing with me or something!?" He grabs the janitor and places a knife to there throat.

They fight back, and in seconds they both are pointing knifes at each other. Bruno yells, "Enough, Narancia!"

Suddenly Bruno recognizes the other janitor. "Everyone, bow now..!" Bruno Says while bowing down.

The group looks confused, but complies. In the process of bowing down, the man stops you. "Haha! Do not bow young lady. I should be bowing down to you!" Your confused.

Bruno speaks up. "Everyone, this is a Capo." Everyone quickly understands what's going to happen. "Bruno, are you going to become Capo from this?" He nods at you. "We shall see..."

"Bruno, I didn't expect for you to bring your whole team!" The man chuckles. "Oh, and don't mind her, she doesn't like being attacked like that." Narancia shoots a look at the pink haired girl. "That's a girl!?" He screeches. "Eh? I thought that was obvious..." You mumble.

"Anyway, Bucciarati. You know where the lire is?" Bruno nods, and everyone goes inside the mens restroom. You hear them taking about the lire from outside.

They all go back outside, and the Capo man makes Bruno a Capo too, taking Polpo's place. "Bucciarati! You've finally become a Capo!" Fugo yells at him, and mostly everyone celebrates. "Good job Bruno!" You mini hug him. Giorno doesn't appreciate that move so he pulls you towards him, which doesn't last long.

"Anyways, Bucciarati! I have a mission for you. It was suppose to be Polpo's, but..." He explains the situation, and how this young girl is the bosses daughter. Your face, your expressions. They had a mixture of shock and fear in them. He had a lover before you?!

"Oh and Lilith... I have a letter for you." Your head perks up at the mention of a letter. "From the boss." He hands you a fancy pink envelope, with gold lace on it. You open it up.

You decided to walk away from the group, and read the letter to yourself.

"Dear Lilith..
You have done so well working in Bucciarati's group. I've heard all about your progress in it. You have made me so proud.
One day, It will be you by my side,
And my side only.
Here is a gift, to show how much I love you so. I already
Know you will accept.
Don't try to say no, because you know how much you mean to me, my goddess. I wouldn't let you say no.
Love, your fiancé, Diavolo."

Inside of the envelope was a expensive looking red diamond ring. The light shined off of it, showing off its true beauty. You wonder how much it costed.

Apparently he sees you a his Fiancé now. Knowing this, you feel more unsafe than ever. You decide to put the ring in your purse/bag instead of actually wearing it.

The letter does scare you. He's basically threatening to hurt you badly if you say no to him. You remember the times, the times you did say no.

While staring at the letter and being in your thoughts, you didn't realize Giorno was standing around the corner watching your ever move, hearing you read the letter out loud.

He even punched the wall.

Your mind began to drift to a sickening memory you have a Diavolo. The first of your many dates.


It was just you and Diavolo, alone in his large office. The room is lit up by candles, giving it a dark, gloomy feeling to it.

Diavolo eyes you up and down, his eyes piercing into your body. He leans towards you, pushing you against a wall looking at you with love sick eyes. He eyed you up and down. "My love..." He whispers in your ear.

"You know, you look great in that silk dress I bought you.." He fiddles with the strings on the side, tugging them down.

You immediately push him away. He looks at you with annoyance. "Darling, why are you always pushing me away?" His leans to whisper in your ear. "You know you want it.." You whimper, tears rolling down your reddening cheeks.

He tugs down your panties, making you cry harder.

"No, please.." You whisper.

He growls. "No? What do you mean no?" He tightens his hold around you, hurting you in the process. "You aren't able to say no. You want to know why?" You put your head at the crook of his neck, sobbing in his arms.

"Because I feed you, clothe you, bath you.. And I fuck you. Once we get married, I'll impregnate you so we can have children." His words making you cry harder as he sickeningly violates your body harshly.

Everything else was a blur. Him pulling you, hurting you, violating you. Then it was over.

He pulled your naked body into him, and smelt your hair. "We were made for each other, dear." You tried to fall asleep, but it was hard to when he was whispering sweet nothings into your ear.

Thinking about this scene of events had caused you to cry subconsciously. You wiped your tears off of your face, and Giorno was there. He had pulled you into him, giving you a hug.

You didn't bother to think about him or your stand at all and just cried all your feelings out, gripping onto his chest.

"You're safe with me, cara."

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