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The place where Sri Rama was born once upon a time. The area which was ruled by the Solar dynasty once upon a time. Hence the people always were fond of Sungod. They celebrate 2 festivals to honour the Suryadev. Now, their kingdom is considered to be one of the most dangerous and beautiful kingdoms of the entire Aryavart.

The people who look it from outside will think it as dark and devasted nation but noo... The kingdom is prosperous and secretive. The royals and people work together for the betterment of kingdom. The people were very much intelligent and healthier due to the better facilities available for them. The usual calm nature of Ayodhya was not seen. Why?

Because Today is the day that their Little Prince arriving after winning a small war, the palace was decorated brightly and lavishly. People too decorated their houses to please their Prince.

In the palace, Queen of Ayodhya Niyati was arranging the flowers carefully not to mess anything. Feeling a strong gaze on her, she looked up only to see her husband looking at her fondly. She hurriedly tried to stand up but was stopped when her husband's arm was wrapped around her shoulder to make her sit down.

King Vivaswan is the most kind and compassionate King, best husband and great father. He said,"Don't bother priye, carry on your work. Your son is coming back after defeating 7 group of tribes together. God, I'm the proud father in this planet!!" Niyati smiled at her husband saying,"I hope he's not wounded too much Aarya! He won't even say anything even if it hurts!!"

Suddenly they heard,"Are you both busy?? Really, Mata...those flowers are not in correct order. Please arrange it nicely...." Prince of Ayodhya reprimanded his parents. King took his hand away from his wife's shoulder saying,"Please, as if you're working. You're just waddling here and there like a wild pig". Niyati chuckled on seeing her first born glaring at her husband.

Prince Aditya, the eldest and crown prince of Ayodhya is the happiest Prince whose smile will make his cheek dimple. He has beautiful brown eyes that always pour kindness. He loves his parents, his wife and his brother along with the people of his kingdom. The only fear in this world is his brother and his temper which sometimes, he, the closest person to his brother itself can't control.

Aditya sneered at his father saying,"Oh please...my brother is such an angel. He loves me when I'm happy unlike you who always....ouch!!" He rubbed his hand when something sting sharply. He turned to look out only to see his wife Shurya looking at him innocently. Smiling sheepishly, he asked,"Priye, what are you doing here?? You should take a rest!!"

Shurya raised amusing eyebrows at him but looked at Queen saying,"Mata! I've prepared Vasu's favorite. Anything else? Unlike my husband, I'm a very responsible one, you know!!' Aditya exclaimed,"You're disrespecting your husband!? How dare you?" The King and the Queen chuckled when they saw their daughter-in-law ignoring their first son moving away resulting their son to follow her.

Shurya, the childhood friend of Aditya is the daughter of famous businessman of Ayodhya. She and Aditya studied together when Aditya fell head over heels for her. After his coronation as Crown Prince, he told about his love to his parents who arranged their marriage in a very grand manner. Hence, she won't behave like a typical blushy girl because her husband is her best friend before her marriage.

Extremely caring and considerate towards the royal family, she prepared herself to be the future queen with the help of her brother-in-law who dumped her all the books regarding royals and taught her all the royal etiquette. Though the royal family doesn't mind that she is not a princess by birth, Shurya know others will definitely question her. Hence with a great amount of hardwork, she learned everything clearly within 6 months of marriage. Now that it become 1 year of marriage, she know royal etiquette better than any other princess and Queen of Aryavart.

💕THE BREEZY SILENCE OF LOVE 💕- Karn and Draupadi FFWhere stories live. Discover now