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The next day, when Vasusen reached the border of Panchal, it was early in the morning. He reached one lakeside, seeing Durga temple he decided to take bath and offer his prayers to Suryadev. His soldiers and servants stayed a bit away from him and his personal servant Sadaya removed his crown and jewels. After removing, He took back his Prince's Angavastra and royal upper attire moving away while With a deep breath, the Prince of Ayodhya took a dip in the coldest morning water without a flinch.

Sadaya put some fresh clothes on the sand carefully before giving his Prince, his privacy. When Vasusen finished his bath and cladded in his bright red royal clothes, he reached the other side of the lake where it is a bit open space, so that he could get to see Suryadev freely. He kneeled looking towards the east praying for Sungod not knowing a pair of eyes watching him in awe.

Princess Panchali, the gem of the kingdom Panchal stood in her balcony in the early dawn sadly not wanting to go away from her family and at the same time want to escape from her father. It has been 1 year since her birth. When she came out of the holy fire, her father was so happy. She thought like that too but later only realised that her father was happy because she have the capability of making Arjun his son-in-law. Naive and innocent Panchali cried the whole day inside her chamber. Ofcourse, she didn't expect he will be  happy so that she can make Arjun as his son-in-law. How cruel??

Soon after 3 months, she began to hear about her swayamvar. To say she was scared will be understatement. She begged her twin brother Dhristadyumna to postpone her swayamvar. Being extremely caring and loving, her brother begged Maharaj Drupad to postpone which they succeeded for another 8 months. And suddenly her father announced her swayamvar and here she is...standing in her balcony lost in her thoughts thinking about how drastically her life will change within a few hours.

When she was about to go inside, her eyes met a figure kneeling in the shore of Lake. The tall trees obstructed the view and she wondered who he is. A sudden whiff of wind passed resulting her to get the view of the man clearly. And her heart which began to thunder inside her ribcage arrested in his beauty.

His dark locks reached his shoulder, and few hair were dancing on his forehead. The forehead which reminded her of a crescent moon and His dark locks complemented his  fair complexion very well. She could see his perfectly chiseled jaw and high cheekbones. Her cheeks were already pink but her eyes trailed over his physique.

She wants to turn away, she knows it's impolite to gawk at a man but she was waiting for something...her body was trembling in a sudden whiff of joy and she closely looked at him and finally he tilted his head above to thank Sun God giving a perfect view of his neck. But Panchal Princess's eyes were on his eyelids. She, who has never been captivated by anyone waited to see those eyes of that physically flawless man.

Atlast the man opened his eyes, Panchali held the railing so that she won't fall over. Thank God, he couldn't see her. She and her chamber was perfectly hidden. If Panchali hasn't appreciated the man till now, her jaw dropped on seeing the piercing sharp tawny eyes. She couldn't help but feel chills through her spine. Unable to bear the mixed feelings, She ran inside her chamber, covering herself with a big blanket.

Her heart was still beating madly and she closed her eyes tightly only to get those beautiful sharp Tawny eyes inside her closed eyes. She took a deep breath saying,"Panchali ... You're going to be married. Don't...please don't think about him!! Please...." Soon after a big battle between her heart and mind, she fell asleep thinking about those gorgeous eyes.

When Vasusen finished his prayer, his servants gave back his jewels and crown bowed deeply in respect. He waved his hands to get back their position but asked,"When will Hastinapur Prince bless his presence? Should I have to wait??"

💕THE BREEZY SILENCE OF LOVE 💕- Karn and Draupadi FFWhere stories live. Discover now