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Duryodhan didn't even look at the Yadav Princess but the Royal Prince eyes never left Subhadra. There wasn't any mischievousnsss or carefreeness in her behaviour. Her behaviour denotes she's trying herself to restrain herself being jumpy and joyful.

He said,"Dusha, how about you three go inside and enjoy??" Dushala nodded her head but looked at her husband who gave one nod with a smile. She blushed but called,"Come Bhabhi!! Subhadra you too... We can go inside!!" This time, everyone forgot to welcome the couple by taking Aarthi. Well... Let's say men were eager to discuss something.. women were eager to get know something about each other.

The large willow tree provided shade for three friends. The Royal Prince seated himself in a branch looking for explanation. And he know very well about Subhadra..she will never Even stay with Hastinapur Kauravas even fortune given.


The Yadav Princess has quite name in Aryavart for her mischievous nature and cuteness. She is the daughter of Vasudev and Rohini, younger sister of Balram and Sri Krishna. She love to do things which will make others roll their eyes. In fact, to be honest, she is the little version of her elder brother Krishna.

With beautiful brown eyes, dark hair and soft facial features, Subhadra is the little devil of her household. Extremely pampered by her elder brothers and parents, she's quite a brat too. Her every order will be obeyed. But everything changed that one day...

It was the swayamvar of Kaling Princess Bhanumati. Subhadra was whining with her family to let her go to the Swayamvar.
Does she know that Princess?? No.. She just heard about her. But these brothers of hers will always keep her in their watch. So after many pleadings and tantrums, Krishna and Balram let her go to the swayamvar of the Princess.

Subhadra was extremely joyful. Recently, her friend was also married. Dushala, the Hastinapur Princess was already married in a very humorous way which Subhadra was still laughing at the memory. God that girl is such a naughty one. When she reached Kaling, her eyes fell on Arjun which made her heart crumbled. Means, Arjun came to win The Princess?? But she smiled at the Pandav brothers who smiled and asked about her well-being.

The swayamvar was the next day when Subhadra decided to roam around the palace at night. She being completely naive and innocent, thought the palace of Kaling as her own. She was giggling, running and jumping around the corridor when a strong hand covered her mouth and pulled inside.

Her heart thumped in fear and she thrashed violently in the hold.
She was pushed inside the dark room and before she could scream, she heard,"Damn even maid of Kaling is so beautiful. I could eat her up!!" Her eyes widened in the realisation that she was in the hold of drunken princes and they didn't realise she's Yadav Princess. Tears erupted from her eyes and spilled in her cheeks realising the situation. She's going to be exploited by these men.

She felt one coming towards her and her whole body shook in fear. Unlike other Princess, she's not good in defense. She hate violence. She even skipped the sword and self-helping defences which she highly regretted at the moment. But what's the use now??

She begged,"I'm...I-I'm P-Princess. D-DON'T t-touch......aaaarghhhhh!!!" She screamed when the man squished her cheeks coming closer. She prayed someone will come...someone will save but none come. Oh how wrong she was!!

Duryodhan who was passing through corridors to get into the Princess chamber heard the bloodcurling scream of young girl. He know that voice ..he heard that annoying voice somewhere before.

💕THE BREEZY SILENCE OF LOVE 💕- Karn and Draupadi FFWhere stories live. Discover now