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By the evening, the whole Ayodhya looked like they were celebrating a festival. Gold coins and food were given lavishly to the people who took it to their heart content.

In the palace, Duryodhan's eyes were on his wife who was dancing to the music enjoying it completely. His eyes unknowingly moved towards her figure and he involuntarily gulped. Well, he already know his wife is beautiful, but he always considered her as a little sister of Vasudev who idolises one of the Pandavas, but today in that Ayodhya's lahenga, he couldn't help the proud feel blooming in his heart. He is one of the lucky man in this world.

Subhadra who felt a strong gaze on her, looked to her side only to see her husband looking at her. In these months of marriage, she know well about his gazes. The anger, confusion, helplessness, worry, sadness, happy, etc...but today she saw something different, something she always want Arjun to look at her like that. But she shrugged her thoughts. Maybe he's thinking of something. She twirled and giggled when Dushala nudged her and both the Princess were enjoying their time completely after the feast happened in the afternoon.

The sun slowly started to fade away when the marriage games started. Vasusen is on the verge of snapping everyone but he controlled himself completely not to create any scene before his people.

Shurya who was holding Draupadi's hand excitedly muttered, "Okok...we have to finish the wedding games!!" From her tone, Draupadi too became excited. Of course she's gonna enjoy every game.

They were currently in the middle of the big podium in a big palace ground surrounded by the people on the all sides, guarded by soldiers and personal guards of royal family. Draupadi was cladded in beautiful light blue lehanga looking like a Goddess stood beside her husband smiling brightly. Shurya announced,"The first ritual is exchanging gifts. Surprise gift. The bride and bridegroom should not go anywhere but give something from them!"

Draupadi blanched. Something from her?! But she didn't have anything. She looked at her husband who stood there not bothering about anything. She bit her lips softly but asked,"Should I give now itself??" Shurya, Subhadra and Dushala nodded along with the people who were already hooting in excitement.

Her fingers began to unfasten the chain she wore it in her neck and said,"This was given by sage Pulaha. It's speciality is it'll keep you calm and composed during your hard times. I want to present this to the Royal Prince"

Niyati blanched. She exclaimed, "Draupadi, you can't give that precious jewel to him. It is for the people who deserve that!" Panchali smiled prettily. She said,"Of course, he is my husband, Mata. He deserves everything which belongs to me! You don't need to worry" She looked at him resulting Vasusen to raise his eyebrows at her. He asked,"Won't the risk of me getting a curse will be close if I wear yours, Princess? What if sage Pulaha doesn't like that??" 

Draupadi softly said,"I won't let any curse near you, Prince. You can believe me with that!" She took his hand and tied the shining chain as a bracelet making the People and Royals of Ayodhya to cheer. Shurya clapped excitedly along with the Princesses making the area more giggly and lively.

Vasusen looked at the bracelet. It's burning his skin. Of course, he can't have that pure chain as he is the bearer of evil force. He closed his eyes to avoid the pain but retraced it back before the Panchal Princess could feel it. Nobody except Adhithya noticed this. Adhithya noted the pained expression on his brother's eyes and he held his brother's other hand behind his back in show of support. However he is angry, Vasusen is still his baby brother.

Vasusen opened his eyes when the pain lessened much. He patted his brother's hand firmly in gratitude and thanks. Everyone were still cheering for Draupadi but the silence grazed the whole area when Vasusen cleared his throat. Shurya asked,"Vasu, now it's your turn!"

💕THE BREEZY SILENCE OF LOVE 💕- Karn and Draupadi FFWhere stories live. Discover now