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Ashwathama was shocked and surprised to see the gloomy Duryodhan standing on the balcony with a faraway expression. He shook his friend saying,"Oii! What are you doing here?? You should be in swayamvar mandap. Otherwise, Bhanumati will garland someone!!" He expected a roar of protests and punches but all he got was blank look... Ashwathama was surprised! Whoah, is his friend drunk or something?? Maybe...

He shook Duryodhan saying,"Come on...let's go!!" Duryodhan held his friend saying,"I don't want to marry Bhanu! Umm... Can't we go somewhere??" Before Ashwathama could express his surprise, a guard rushed towards them saying,"Yuvaraj Duryodhan, Sindhuraj..." That's enough for Duryodhan to know something was messed up. He walked outside only to see palace guards and maids looking at him curiously whispering to themselves.

When he reached swayamvar arena, he was surprised to see everything calm. Subhadra was sitting beside Princess and Bhanumati was ready in her seat. Ashwathama slapped his arms saying,"Duryodhan...get going to your seat... she's searching for you!!" But Duryodhan took deep breath saying,"Get the chariot ready!" 

Ashwathama sighed in irritation. He has got only two friends and those two are unpredictable.. he heard one Prince muttering,"You think it's true...Yuvaraj Duryodhan and Subhadra... I heard maids saw them together in his chamber.. Isn't Yadava Prince Krishna hates Prince Duryodhan???" Ashwathama was amazed and shocked. What?! When did this happened??

He looked at Duryodhan who reluctantly went to his seat and then at Subhadra who sat there lost in her own thoughts. Are they long lost lovers??! But Ashwathama couldn't pinpoint What happened. He sometimes hate being kept in dark. Incase if it was Vasusen, he would've choked Duryodhan to spill out everything. Alas, he, Ashwathama is not a violent type...moreover, it's not fair to choke his brother in law for this. He'll wait and see what's going on...

Duryodhan's eyes never left Subhadra but a voice echoed in his head which he heard few minutes ago while reaching his seat...

"Do you think he'll be happy if the same happen to his sister?? How can he spoil Yadav Princess life by marrying another Princess. Who will marry poor princess. Ofcourse no one..as they will come to know her relationship with Prince Duryodhan"

He tried his level best to calm down his brain and thoughts but his natural character of getting influenced made him to do the blunder that will change entire Aryavart history... He felt everything around him blurry. All he could hear was he did something wrong to Subhadra, the girl he don't like and that spoils her life. He want to stop that guiltiness, he want to stop the rumour, he want to just be peaceful. And Duryodhan did the most stupidest thing..He walked towards Subhadra and pulled her towards him saying,

"I'll marry her! So keep your mouths shut!"

Ashwathama was shocked. What in the name of God?? He can save Duryodhan from here but not from Vasudev Krishna... Half of the population didn't understand what was going on. He saw Pandavas who were already in their feet to save their cousin's sister. God... He has to trick them somehow because Angry Arjun's Astras were not the one he want to face now. He released the Astra that will power everyone to be unconscious towards the fuming Pandavas who didn't expect that attack and gradually fell down.

When Subhadra refused, Duryodhan took her in his arms and moved towards the chariot. Ashwathama groaned. Now this blunder, even Vasusen will never forgive Duryodhan. Not having any other way, he apologetically looked towards the Kaling Princess who had no time to react this thing happened.

Bhanumati and Duryodhan were childhood buddies. Since, Duryodhan had title of Evil Prince, Bhanumati hatched a plan to marry him which is benefit for both as she know him the best. When she saw him abducting princess in front of her eyes, she's not sad but she felt humiliated. He should've at least informed her..

Subhadra on the other hand struggled in the Prince's hold. She slapped his shoulder saying,"L-Leave me! Leave me already...." Duryodhan left her in the chariot saying,"SILENCE! I'LL NOT BE SPOKEN LIKE THAT!!" Subhadra wiped her tears sitting on the chariot hiccuping to herself. Her Life is over....

When the news reached Hastinapur and Mathura, the whole royalty were shocked. Subhadra, by that time was strong to face anything or anyone. Her tears were already dried and she get down from the chariot not caring about the whispers and murmurs. Duryodhan pinched his forehead in frustration. Why would every bad thing happen to him? He just tried to protect her yesterday and see now, he's in trouble. That's why he hate being good. He can never be good. This is what he'll do if he behaves good...

Pitamah Bheeshma looked at his grandson with wide eyes. He never expected this to happen. He shouted,"DURYODHAN!!! WHAT IS THIS???" Dushala who came outside with Aarthi plate to welcome her brother stood there shocked on seeing her best friend. She shouted,"SUBHI.." Subhadra gave one fleeting glare towards the youngest Princess of Hastinapur which made everyone to squirm. Kunti looked at the little one with tears. Oh how she wished Arjun to be married to her. But she didn't move from her place.

Subhadra took a deep breath asking,"Can I enter inside. Unlike you, I never had food to stay strong. I need a chamber!" Gandhari and Kunti asked maids to accompany her. Subhadra said,"I need privacy. I don't want any royals to follow me. And I want Sabha to gather soon, before my brothers come and smash you all!!"

Even Duryodhan was shocked by the boldness. Is this the same girl who was bawling her eyes out yesterday in Kaling?? Subhadra looked at Duryodhan dead into his eyes saying,"I want to deal with you in Sabha, Prince. And kindly don't start anything until I Come!" Saying so, she marched inside followed by few maids.

When Ashwathama reached his wife's chamber, he was met with ferocious glare. He gulped saying,"Dusha..see I'm only partially responsible. I didn't even know what happened between your brother and your best friend. Suddenly everyone were gossiping badly about both of them and your brother kidnapped her. I just had time to safeguard both of them and drive away. So don't blame on me for anything!"

Dushala sighed dejectedly. She know about her brother and she know about her best friend too. They both are polar opposites. She decided to reach Sabha so that she could be support for her best friend Eventhough Subhadra don't need it. Ashwathama sighed again pulling her closer to his chest saying,"What happened, you little monkey!?" Dushala's eyes watered and she bit her lips saying,"I know whom to support but I love my brother too Arya, I can't let him down!!" Ashwathama hugged her tightly and jokingly said,"You siblings, love to marry your spouse forcefully, isn't it???"

A punch made way to his stomach and he groaned. Dushala was positively fuming. She exclaimed,"Oh.. you think I married you forcefully. What a joke?! If I hadn't married you, then you would've been batchelor your entire life. Consider me as the blessing of your boring, good-for-nothing life!!"

With a scorching glade at her husband, Dushala hurried away roasting her innocent husband who said to himself,"Atleast boring life don't have any threat in my chamber...on the other hand, staying in chamber with her ignite fear inside me easily!!" But he got ready for the sabha to give his own statement on what happened...

When he arrived, both Duryodhan and Subhadra were already there. And the Sabha was just waiting for him to start. Ignoring his wife's exasperated look, he stood beside his friend getting ready to explain. Not that it is easy for him...because he himself dunno what happened!!___________________________________________

Hey all! A new update, I think the flashback will be over within 1 episode. Wait for it. See you soon.

Author Shruti 💜

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