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Note: From now on, the chapters will be totally different from the original Mahabharat. But this is author's imagination. And your decent and healthy criticisms are warmly welcomed but any toxic behaviour in the comment section will be deleted.

Get ready with emotional rollercoaster ride...The breezy silence of Love is taking a new path and twist in the story..💞🙈

"Oh for heaven sake Princess of Panchal! You're getting on my nerves now!", The second Royal Prince of Ayodhya Vasusen's voice echoed in the palace making everyone tremble. This is the first time, after a long time they were hearing him shouting, hell the Prince won't even talk more loudly in all these 3 years. Everyone peeked outside from their work only to see Their youngest Royal glaring at the Prince Vasusen who was...oh well that glare is promising an immediate death for Princess.

Draupadi glared at him saying,"Princess of Panchal? Really Prince, you insensitive man! I married you and you still address me associating me with my birth country. Where is your pride, you grumpy cat?!"

Vasusen's expressionless face pinched into a shocked expression. He could hear a few thuds behind him. He turned around only to see few guards and maids fainted in shock. Oh no, nobody even Prince Aditya never goes to this much extreme level with their younger Royal and they really love their Princess Panchali too much to let her die from her husband.

"What did you call me?", Vasusen's dangerous aura was back. Oh if she wants to play with him...he can play well too. Damn, if he had been like before, he would've thrown her in the lake nearby. Alas, he lost his spirit when he gave homage to evil and got a wonderful curse from a woman. He was drowning in his own past when he heard," I called you a grumpy cat! What, you lost your hearing ability too? Oh Mahadev, what sin did I do to get a husband who has hearing problems?"

The elder Prince Aditya was barely surviving because of laughing too much. He was sure if Panchal Princess continue he'll surely die due to lack of oxygen. Shurya raised her eyebrows in amusement. Leave it to Panchali who'll call the most feared Prince of Aryavart a Grumpy cat. Vasusen shook his head saying,"Princess of Panchal, I am saying this....WHAT THE HELL, WOMAN? HOW DARE YOU SLAP ME?"

The whole palace trembled at the roaring voice of Vasusen. Aditya shut his mouth when he saw a flicker of red crossing his brother's eyes. Shurya and Queen Niyati had their hands on their mouth in shock while King looked shocked and amused to be honest. Vasusen couldn't believe it. The princess before him dares to slap his mouth and damn her long nails scratched his lips making it bleed now. He sucked the blood hurriedly out of his lips and looked at Draupadi who shrugged casually. She smiled saying,"Next time, dare to address me as Princess of Panchal, I'll scratch your oh so beautiful and attractive face and make you the ugliest warrior of Aryavart!"

And that stirred something out of Vasusen. He reached closer to Draupadi and muttered,"Scratch all you want Princess! But still I would be damn attractive Prince of all the times. Vasusen Karn will never be ugly and beauty begged to reside within me!" Surprise etched over the glowing face of Panchali. Did she hear her husband talking about beauty and is that Pride she heard and saw in his voice and eyes? And oh boy, Draupadi melted completely. How can a man be this much attractive and handsome?

She didn't give up though. Wanting to rail him up, she said,"Prince, there are many Princes in this Aryavart who were more attractive than you. Don't be so overconfident!" And Vasusen smirked. His voice laced pure innocence and he asked,"Oh that's why you drooled from your balcony when I was in my morning prayer Princess? I have women of all kinds, Princesses of all nations, throwing themselves at my feet even though they know about my character, now. You dunno about the Vasusen who existed 3 years ago Princess. That Vasusen will just smile and baam, he'll get Indralok's Urvashi in his personal chamber!"

💕THE BREEZY SILENCE OF LOVE 💕- Karn and Draupadi FFWhere stories live. Discover now