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When Duryodhan and Subhadra reached their assigned chamber, their mouth fell open. It was beautifully decorated and Subhadra looked at the spacious and beautiful chamber. She muttered,"Wow, this is so beautiful" Duryodhan unconsciously muttered,"Yeah, very beautiful!"

His eyes went towards the frame of his wife rather than the room beautifully decorated. Subhadra turned towards him in surprise exclaiming,"Did you just agree with me, Arya!?" Her eyes twinkled in mischievousness and Duryodhan turned his head away looking at the room. He scolded himself for losing his control. How can he watch her inappropriately...like that. He just lost himself like a fool.

On the other hand, Subhadra frowned. No, her husband is not the one who will keep mum after she ask something that triggered his ego. He'll argue until she begs him to stop. She, to gain his attention, said,"I'm sleeping in the bed, you can sleep on the floor" Duryodhan just shrugged saying,"I'm not going to sleep tonight. I have some works to do. So you can sleep!"

Now Subhadra was seriously concerned. She cautiously said,"Arya, I'm just joking. We can share one bed. I won't cross my limits. I promise you!" Duryodhan looked at her confused saying,"I did not say anything, why are you saying again and again!?" Subhadra stood before him, looking at him curiously saying,"Arya, really? Are you alright?! You're not fighting with me? You're not arguing with me?! Moreover you're not irritated by my voice!"

Despite the irritation he felt, he chuckled. He sat on the bed saying,"Because I want to take this bed. See, now that I'm sitting on this, I'm owning this. So, you need my permission to sleep here, in this bed!" Subhadra fumed saying,"I know...for a moment I thought you're a good one. You're cruel husband. How can you make me sleep on the floor??" Duryodhan shrugged arrogantly saying,"Did I ever said to you that I'm good. If you, yourself decided something, how can I take the responsibility??"

Subhadra glared at him. Why did she marry him in the first place?? Oh wait, yeah! How can she forgot? He kidnapped her. She flopped beside him not caring about his eyebrow rise at her actions. She gushed,"You know what Arya, you're such a stupid man!" Duryodhan sighed. If anyone gave the opportunity to his wife to talk, she'll do it perfectly.

He adjusted himself in the bed before his head hit the soft pillows making him sigh in relief. He could hear his wife babbling something not even noticing that he's ready to sleep. He as usual closed his ears to stop hearing that babbling. After few minutes, when Subhadra stopped talking when she felt silence around. Her eyes fell on her husband who was already in deep sleep.

A small smirk crossed her lips before she drew some of her favourite flowers on his face. A giggle escaped her lips and she whispered,"Aww, Arya! You look adorable. Tomorrow I wish everyone see this adorable side of you!"

The footsteps of a horse echoed in the dense forest. Vayujit was not disappointing his master. He was taking his master in his usual way to meet his spy whom he's intelligent enough to recognise. He moved smoothly on hard rocks, loam soils and beautiful grasses so as not to disturb his little Prince on his back.

The relationship between Vasusen and Vayujit started years ago when The little Royal Prince was only 4 years old. Vayujit is the most dangerous and uncontrollable stallion that many kings and chiefs don't like the young horse much.

But Vasusen was the only one who tamed it with his little chubby hands and kisses making Vayujit to melt in little boy arms. From then on, Vayujit is the best friend and protector of Vasusen. Unlike others, Vayujit will understand his Prince accurately by the way he touches or mounts him. And he, the most intelligent horse runs or walks according to his master's mood. Currently he felt his master's distress, hence glided across the forest carefully not wanting to distress his precious Prince more.

💕THE BREEZY SILENCE OF LOVE 💕- Karn and Draupadi FFWhere stories live. Discover now