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The Hastinapur palace was bustling to welcome the royal Prince Vasusen and his new wife Draupadi who were arriving the next week. And to meet the Ayodhya Royal couple, many kings, Princes, Princesses and Queens were arriving making the workload usually higher.

The Royal Sabha was adorned with all the important officials, the Pandavas and the Kauravas. Subhadra sat beside her husband silently analysing and judging everyone when Dushasan nudged her. Irritated, she sneered,"What now Bhrata Dushasan?" He passed her a few laddoo making her doe eyes grow wide. She exclaimed,"What in the name of God? Why are you eating when Sabha is happening?"

Dushasan said,"Oh come on Monkey! King won't give any big responsibilities to Kauravas. He assigns big big works to Pandavas and he'll give any one simple work to Bhrata Duryodhan making Bhrata angry and mad. He'll fight the whole sabha and get out not even...." Subhadra sneakily munched the laddoo and listened to Dushasan but Duryodhan glared at both of them to be silent.

Subhadra looked at her husband who sat there with almost responsibility, respect and eagerly waiting for any important work to be done to prove himself. She noted this and snapped her head towards Mahamantri Vidur when she heard,"So, Prince Yudhistir will handle the overall ceremony. Prince Yudhistir, which department do you want to take?"

She stood up saying,"And why is that question only poised towards Prince Yudhistir? Why is Prince Duryodhan not asked anything? From what I've known, both are competing for the Crown Prince title, right?" The whole Sabha went silent. Duryodhan looked at his talkative wife with wide scared eyes. What the hell happened to her? She is supporting him, not the Pandavas there?

Mahamantri Vidur strongly said,"I believe Prince Yudhistir will give his 100 percent and surely give everyone their respective departments, Princess! You can sit down!" Subhadra's temper ticked in her veins. She said,"And excuse me for this, Mahamantri! Who is Prince Yudhistir to judge my husband and give him work? If anything is going to happen, then I need my husband there to overlook the ceremony. If you ask me, My husband is a more practical man when compared to Prince Yudhistir who will hang on his dharm as though his life depended on it!"

The Pandavas had their mouths opened in shock. Arjun exclaimed,"Subhadra, what the hell are you talking about? You can't degrade Bhrata Yudhistir like that!" Subhadra didn't pay any attention to the man. She said,"All Hail to Maharaj Dhritarashtra, I, wife of Eldest Kaurav Duryodhan asking Justice for the partiality happening towards Kauravas. Why is it always Pandavas who had to head everything when anything happens? Why can't Kauravas take the lead once? What wrong they might do?"

Duryodhan's shocked eyes widened a little more. He didn't know what this little monkey was trying to do? Dushasan's laddoo was already on the floor in shock. Does Laddoo gave Power to his sister-in-law? That means he should've been the most powerful since he has been eating in the sabha from the start! Bheem stood up saying,"Subhadra! Are you finally brainwashed? I know he'll do these types of things. See how much you're talking!" Duryodhan's fingers curled and before he could retort, Subhadra was already walking towards Bheem.

She said,"I do not want to fight with you. But believe me, even my brothers won't dare to raise their voice if I'm angry. It won't end well!" She turned towards Yudhistir asking,"Prince Yudhistir, do you find yourself as the Crown Prince already?" The question jolted the entire existence of Yudhistir. He calmly said,"No Subhadra! I don't think myself as the Crown Prince!" Subhadra smiled saying,"Then why would you accept the leadership when the competitor is on the other side? Don't you think it's adharm to leave your competitor with nothing but your own choices?"

That's when Yudhistir thought about it. Yes, it has been him always the Hastinapur Royals favoured. He never once questioned why Duryodhan was not given any preference? In fact, he had rejoiced in these and blamed Duryodhan saying he was very childish when he fought for his rights? Own rights!

💕THE BREEZY SILENCE OF LOVE 💕- Karn and Draupadi FFWhere stories live. Discover now