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Warning: Extreme Imagination.

And nobody knows how Little Vasusen's mind works. Despite being a 13 year old, boy possessed rare knowledge and quick spying skills. Currently, he was getting ready with his elder brother sulking and leaving his parents sad.

He said,"Pitashree, I want silk cloth, what in the name of God is this?" Vivaswan sighed saying,"Vasu dear! Do you really want to go? See, you can train under our Kulguru Vishwamitra, or you can go to Lord Parashuram, there is Dronacharya.... Why would you want to..."

His ramblings stopped when Vasusen gave one heartmelting smile. There it goes. Aditya threw pillow at his father shouting,"Pitashree! If only we've been strict with him, we wouldn't have raisen up a rascal. Oh for heaven sake, we're just giving everything he wants when he smile and he takes advantage of that!"

Niyati sighed when she saw both her husband and elder son bickering with each other. And the cause of chaos just simply chuckled but packed his belongings. She cupped her younger son's cheek saying,"Vasu, be safe okay?! Don't be careless and don't trigger Gurudev temper! And..." Vasusen hugged her saying,"Mother, Don't worry! I'll take care!"

And that's how Vasusen stood in the patal lok before sage Shukracharya's hut. His heart fell giddy and happy, he smiled at Sage Vishwamitra who glared at him saying,"You are an Ayodhya's royal and you decided to not learn from me. And I'm still angry with you!" Vasusen Karn grinned saying,"Gurudev, I already said I'll be there by my 20 years. I promise I'll be your shishya after this training" Vishwamitra sighed saying,"Your greediness is too much Vasusen. It'll lead to your danger!"

Vasusen nudged the sage saying,"You're there to save me, Gurudev! That's why I'm like this!" Vishwamitra groaned. Man, he had seen many students. He even taught Dasarath's sons but none are difficult, arrogant, carefree and greedy for knowledge as Vasusen. He saw Shukracharya coming outside and said,"Thank you for accepting him as your disciple, Oh great Sage. I'll leave him under your care!" With parting wishes and blessings to little Prince Vasusen, Vishwamitra disappeared from the Patal lok. Hereafter, he'll see the Prince only after 7 years.

Vasusen was guided inside the students arena where he saw the different types of asuras, beautiful maidens and strong little dwarfs and big giants. His eyes stopped when he saw her. With beautiful big eyes, and a very gorgeous smile, she captured Vasusen's attention that very moment. Shukracharya watched the boy drowning in his personal feelings. He tapped the boy saying,"If you can't control your emotions and passionate thoughts, then you'll be punished. Tonight you'll not sleep but guard outside for giving to your human emotions!" Vasusen gasped but kneeled saying,"I'm sorry Gurudev! I didn't mean to. I am...she was very beautiful. What can I do?!"

The others gasped in shock while Shukracharya watched the boy with amusement. There are many students he had caught. But none of them admitted their wrongness in front of everyone. That too if they were caught oogling a female, even Devas would never admit it aloud. But the prince before him not only admitted his wrong doing but also accepted him oogling a pretty girl.

"You'll get classes for that. Today you'll join Amogha and Prithvi Varma outside!" Shukracharya said before announcing,"From tomorrow morning you'll be getting lessons for 7 years without sleep and food for six months! You'll not sleep for the next six months after whispering the mantra I will teach you. Then after six months, you'll sleep for the first three months, then eat for the next three months. God bless you all! Amogha, Prithvi! Out with Ayodhya Prince Vasusen. Others get into your huts!"

Vasusen searched for the two and smiled at them when they waved at him. He waved back saying,"Oh hello! I'm Vasusen Karn, youngest Royal of Ayodhya. Who are you both?!" The three reached outside the student arena while the boy with striking features said,"I'm Prithvi Varma, the Prince of Snakes. And this is my best friend Amogha Varma who also happened to be my distant cousin. We hail from east. Near Vindhyas.. It's nice meeting you Vasusen!" All the three settled on the branch of the tree with Amogha saying,"No human can enter Patal lok. How come you entered?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10 ⏰

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💕THE BREEZY SILENCE OF LOVE 💕- Karn and Draupadi FFWhere stories live. Discover now