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Vasusen rested on his personal spyhouse which has been the place once upon a time filled with beautiful and loud laughter. His hand was supporting his head and he closed his eyes to sleep. But it has been several years he had slept peacefully. He miss them. He very much miss them. Miss those two. Within the closed eyes, pool of tears formed but it never came outside.

Amogha and Prithvi Varma..

His heart began to thump loudly making him sigh. He patted his chest softly saying,"I'm not worried. Just missing them near me!" The full moon blessed the little Prince of Ayodhya whose ears ringed with two of his favourite voices....

"God Vasusen! I swear on Mahadev, you're such a brat!!"

"Shut your mouth, Amogha! It'll wake up!"

"Prithvi, that girl is looking at Vasu!? And you being shameless winked at her? God, I feel embarassed to sit near you!"

"Vasusen, she....she..k-killed her... VASUSEN...SHE KILLED HER BECAUSE OF YOU! OUR FRIEND DIED....S-SHE DIED..."

Vasusen opened his eyes and looked around frantically. Realising, he was in the spyhouse resting, he took a deep breath calming himself down. His heartbeat which has soared higher began to calm after he began to hum softly. Slowly and steadily, his eyelids began to get heavy and he drifted to sleep...

In the palace, Draupadi walked through the corridors whistling a soft tune when her eyes met with a closed room. The room looked so elegant and involuntarily she made her way towards it.

Her fingers trembled but she pushed open the door softly making the ancient door creak. The darkness inside made her heart thunder. But she took a brave step inside and her sharp eyes somehow helped her reach near window.

She coughed a bit before opening the windows and moving the curtains away. The moon light flashed on her beautiful face and Draupadi adjusted her vision by making her eyes roam around the chamber. Her doe eyes widened when she saw the portrait of her husband with two other people.

But what's more surprise is, her husband is laughing. The Second Prince of Ayodhya who is known to be cold had his head tilted, it seems to be a deep belly laugh. The other two were blurred and their faces are not clear. It wierded her a bit but could say they both are very close to the Prince. Though Draupadi want to know who they both are, her Prince's laughing face made her numb.

Those tawny eyes were almost crinkled into crescents, black wavy hair which was elegantly put into a manbun at top of his head, the end of hair fell on his shoulder and few strands on his beautiful forehead. His upper teeth were biting his lower lips like he's trying to control his laugh and veiny hand on his chest.

She didn't believe her mother-in-law when she said the second Prince is very outgoing. But on seeing this portrait, everything was confirmed. Her husband once upon a time had been happy, her husband was never cold before. Something affected him badly. Something made him aloof and frustrated. She couldn't concentrate on anything. She couldn't grasp anything. She was about to touch the portrait, she heard some noise outside. Deciding to sleep and later on investigate about it, she slipped to her chamber.

The chamber welcomed her with fragrant flowers and candles but a dry chuckle escaped her lips. Wedding night huh? She don't even know whether the man she married know her name. Sighing to herself, she dismissed the half-sleepy maids before discarding her heavy lahenga and changing into simple one. Her bed was very comfy and soon she was lulled to sleep.

💕THE BREEZY SILENCE OF LOVE 💕- Karn and Draupadi FFWhere stories live. Discover now