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The royal family came outside to see the source of the sound. Draupadi was wearing the shawl over her face, so that nobody would look at her and stood in the corridor of the balcony. Her heart leaped when she saw HIM. She grinned stupidly behind the shawl hugging herself but leaned closer to hear what they were talking about.

On seeing Maharaj of Panchal, Karn's jaw tightened. The man had balantly disrespected him by not inviting him. How dare he?! But he kept his silence. His trusted soldier asked,"Can we ask why our Prince was not invited to your daughter's swayamvar? Did you purposefully disrespect the Prince of Ayodhya?"

Though Panchali saw no emotions in HIS face, she saw how his eyes were dangerously looking at her father with disgust and anger. Drupad glared at the servant but roared,"You raised your voice at a king. How dare you??" Karn raised his eyebrows but asked,"He asked you a question, didn't he??"

The voice was extremely composed and cold. Drupad snapped,"You... I'm not...." He stopped himself in shock. The Panchal royalties and other servants gasped. Their king doesn't say 'you' right??

Draupadi looked at her head servant who had her mouth covered with her palms. She asked,"What happened?? Why is everyone shocked??"

Malini whisper exclaimed,'Maharaj called Prince Karn as 'you' which is a great offense, Princess. Princes of Ayodhya are greater than us. We should not call them like they are our friends. We should address them as Prince or Your highness or Royal Prince of Ayodhya. God, the elder Prince would've taken it easy but younger Prince is very cruel. He will behead anyone who disrespects him!!"


He is the younger Prince of Ayodhya?? Panchali's eyes widened in shock and she hurriedly looked back only to see all the soldiers of Ayodhya pointing swords towards her father. She was about to move and stop these when she heard,"At ease! Leave him. He is my future father-in-law. How can I deny him that basic right of calling me without my royal title??" Panchali's body produced goosebumps. Did he just...did he..indirectly said he is going to marry her?

She looked at her maids who were as surprised and shocked as her. Blush decorated her cheeks and she ran inside unable to handle the new sensation. Oh my goodness!! Have he ever seen her? That's why he came....because she have heard about him. How he never attend any swayamvar!..

Vasusen Karn, the second Prince of Ayodhya who is also the Commander in chief. He and his brother were called Sun and Moon of the Ayodhya for their contrast personality. Even during childhood, he was very intelligent and exceptional in everything. The Princes were kept in secret for long years, hence many of them dunno about them much more. But she somewhat heard once upon a time, The second Prince of Ayodhya is close with Kauravas especially Duryodhan and North Panchal King Ashwathama. She heard a knock and she lazily called out,"Come in!!"

She was blessed with smiling face of her Sakha and she asked,"Sakha, is everything alright??" She began to fidget and worry. What if HE harmed her father??Krishna gave one wierd look asking,"Sakhi, are you alright??"

Panchali's eyes widened and she said,"Yes yes I'm fine. Where is HE now??" Vasudev closed her mouth saying,"You and your father have big mouth. You should not call him 'he'. Address him as 'Prince'. Otherwise... I can't save you from his wrath!!" He sat on the swing saying,"I don't understand why he came here. Vasusen never comes to a place without a purpose!!"

Krishna was in his deep thoughts. He know about Vasusen's self control. He is not a man who'll be enchanted by someone's beauty. He know Vasusen definitely didn't want to marry anyone. Ayodhya's younger Prince is not the one who would disrespect woman's feelings but also extremely manipulative and cunning. Why would suddenly the Prince come and claim that he'll win. He didn't understand anything but could comprehend that there is a backstory behind this. Afterall he himself will always be very careful around the Princes of Ayodhya. He doesn't know what will cook in their mind.

💕THE BREEZY SILENCE OF LOVE 💕- Karn and Draupadi FFWhere stories live. Discover now