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Aditya was in his study room when he saw the scrolls of his brother. A bird has left another scroll for his brother. Another one....this is the 7th scroll he got for his brother in this morning. He didn't want to pry what was happening, but this is getting too much. He took one scroll and opened it mentally praying it'll not be any personal letter of his brother.

Royal Prince of Ayodhya,

We're guarding the territory of Shutudri safely. But there is a sudden silence that frightens us. We dunno which country is going to attack in this region. Gandhar, Sindhu, and nearby countries were being too calm that we're expecting attack. It'll be nice if you come here as soon as possible.

Yours truly and faithfully,
Head of spies.

Aditya's eyes narrowed dangerously and he called his guard to call the trusted servant of his younger brother. He sat on the couch curling the scroll in his palm. When the servant entered, Aditya looked at him judging the man from top to bottom. He asked,"Are you the one guarding Vasu's chamber and corridor??" The guard who was kneeling on the floor said,"I'm one of 25 members, Prince!!" Aditya's eyes widened comically. One of the 25?? What the hell?? What is his brother hiding??

Aditya dismissed the servant not wanting to ask anything about his brother. He didn't even know the territory of Shutudri is in trouble. Even the King doesn't know. But he know his brother was not the type who'll fuss over simple things... That means this is some serious problem.

If Vasusen kept a secret from him as a brother, then he can confront him secretly but this is a political matter, even though he doesn't want his brother to kneel in front of everyone, if the youngest Prince is keeping political secrets, then as a Crown Prince he will investigate the Commander in chief, the matter in the courtroom. He brushed his royal suit getting ready for the session in the court with the troubled mind.

In Panchal,

Meanwhile, Duryodhan didn't look at Ashwathama but said,"I know you'll hate me but.... I..." Ashwathama narrowed his eyes saying,"We'll deal with it, later. Now let's go to Swayamvar!!" Duryodhan stayed silent for a minute but proceeded to follow his other best friend. Afterall, it is natural for everyone to get angry after this piece of information.

Panchali got ready to go towards the Swayamvar. It's not like she have any choice. Nervousness bubbled up in her stomach and she looked at her frame in the mirror. She look exactly like a doll, a beautiful puppet. Malini, the head maid looked at her saying,"Aww Krishnaa, you look so pretty. Arjun is going to be in awe!" Draupadi closed her eyes tightly.


It's not like she hates Arjun but she doesn't like the idea of marrying him. He reminds her the reason of her birth. Her father's desire to get Arjun as a son-in-law is what she now. She was not supposed to be born actually. And the thought itself made creep crawling her skin. She looked at her eyes. It showed her how vulnerable she is. How helpless and hopeless. God... she's sooo tired of all these.

She reached the swayamvar area when her brother announced her arrival. The beautiful flower opened up to reveal her and she stepped on the stairs to reach the throne. Her slight yellow lahenga skirt caressed the flowers on the floor softly and she said pranam to everyone. Her eyes saw The Prince of Ayodhya who didn't even spare a look at her. She saw him looking at the bow kept in the middle of the arena. Maybe he changed his decision of marrying her!!

She was welcomed with shower of her favourite flowers. But her heart was not in the mood to enjoy it. She settled on her throne with a polite face beside her Sakha and her father. She saw her father smiling at her proudly. Whoah! maybe because she was dressed up like a rich puppet.

💕THE BREEZY SILENCE OF LOVE 💕- Karn and Draupadi FFWhere stories live. Discover now